51) The prediction that the number of transistors on a chip would double about every two years is known as ________. A) Megan’s law B) Ashby’s law C) Murphy’s law D) Metcalfe’s law E) Moore’s law 52) The first CPU had 2,200 transistors, whereas the newest models have broken the 2-billion-transistor mark. Take for example, the Intel Core i7 Extreme CPU which can complete hundreds of millions of operations every second. Which of the following is the most similar to this scenario? A) Advanced “cloud” applications can be used for grid computing, edge computing, and IP convergence. B) Apple has seen its sales volumes skyrocket by being able to come up with products that leverage existing technology. C) New generation digital cameras have a higher number and size of pixels than older digital camera models. D) The value of social networking sites increases as the number of users and membership increase. E) The greater the number of contributors to an open source software, the greater the “hidden costs” of running it. 53) Which of the following occurred in the 1964-1990s generation of computing? A) The mainframe era began. B) The personal computer era began and interpersonal computing began. C) The mainframe era ended and the personal computer era began. D) The interpersonal computing era ended and the Internetworking era began. E) The Internetworking era ended. 54) Which of the following occurred in the 1990s-2000 generation of computing? A) The mainframe era began. B) The personal computer era ended and interpersonal computing began. C) The mainframe era ended and the personal computer era began. D) The interpersonal computing era ended and the Internetworking era began. E) Internetworking era ended. 55) Manufacturers of hardware and software often apply the concept of planned obsolescence, meaning that ________. A) the companies have already decided when to launch their next product B) the product is designed in such a way as to extend its life span C) the product is designed to last only for a certain life span D) the product is designed to avoid obsolescence E) the companies do not enter markets which have the risk of product obsolescence 56) Data centers managed by a third party that rents out space to multiple organizational customers are known as ________. A) collocation facilities B) multi bay stations C) serial port facilities D) data ease facilities E) datahub stations 57) Under the ________ model, organizations “rent” resources such as processing, data storage, or networking from an external provider on an as-needed basis and pay only for the services used. A) cluster computing B) grid computing C) distributed computing D) utility computing E) parallel computing 58) Utility computing offers tremendous benefits in terms of ________ for companies operating in the digital world. A) reliability B) usability C) portability D) extensibility E) scalability 59) The ability to adapt to increases or decreases in demand for processing or data storage is known as ________. A) extensibility B) portability C) reliability D) scalability E) usability 60) Using ________, multiple machines located at different locations and each with its own applications can be configured to run on one single computer, enabling the IT service providers to better utilize their resources. A) indemnification B) gentrification C) demutualization D) ramification E) virtualization


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