51)Records from women’s shelter show which of the following types of battered women? A)Women in stable, low-violence relationships who are the violence instigators. B)Women in unstable relationships, who suffer intimate-partner violence. C)Severe and chronically abused women who also see their children abused. D)Women who were not abused but whose children were. E)All of the above types of battered women were found in women’s shelters. 52)What is the single best predictor of violent behaviour towards a partner? A)Alcohol or drug consumption. B)Experience of violence at the hands of partner or parent or having witnessed violence as a child. C)Low income and chronic unemployment of husbands or fathers. D)Personality traits such as stubbornness and control. E)Being in a same-sex relationship. 53)Which of the following variables is associated with domestic violence? A)Previous experience of violence B)Patriarchal attitudes C)Interactional styles D)Status inconsistency E)All of the above 54)Abused girls are more likely to become ______________ in adulthood; abused boys are more likely to become ______________ A)abusers; alcoholics B)internalize their problems and become victims of abuse. C)internalize their problems and become victims of abuse; abusers. D)drug users; alcoholics E)depression sufferers; alcoholics 55)Some researchers argue that domestic violence is an interactional problem in the sense that A)child abuse usually occurs when both adults are present. B)domestic violence is linked to other social problems such as alcohol abuse and poverty. C)family abuse is best understood sociologically in terms of the symbolic interactionist approach. D)violence results from dysfunctional relationship processes involving both adults. E)none of the above. 56)Canadian couples compared to American couples ___________ A)are more likely to engage in domestic violence. B)are as likely to engage in domestic violence. C) are less likely to engage in domestic violence. D) have a higher fertility rate. E)are more religious. 57)Status inconsistency, a risk factor associated with increased psychological and physical abuse of one spouse, is defined in the textbook as: A)Another term for inferiority complex. B)A sense of violence and rage directed at women and children with lower social ranking. C)The excessive use of status as a justification for violence. D)A state in which one does not quite fit into any social class.. E)The punishment for women who kill their husbands. 58)Which of the following statements about male violence is correct? A)Some men commit domestic violence in defense of patriarchy. B)Men are more likely than women to kill to protect what they view as their sexual property. C)Men are more likely than women to kill themselves after killing their partners. D)Income disparity between husband and wife predicts the occurrence of wife abuse. E)All of the above are correct. 59)Most battered women in jail for killing their partner share which of the following characteristics? A)Sexually assaulted during childhood B)Erratic work history C)A history of drug use D)A history of suicide attempts E)All of the above 60)According to the textbook, social isolation is a common predictor of A)stress. B)physical child abuse. C)husband-to-wife physical abuse. D)husband-to-wife psychological, abuse. E)husband-to-wife sexual abuse.