31)Which of the following is correct? A)Employers are more reluctant to hire single mothers for fear that a sick child will disrupt their work schedules. B)Women are more likely than men to provide physical care to children under the age of five. C)Almost two-thirds of families with a child under 13 require outside childcare while the parents work. D)63 percent of women had primary responsibility for childcare, compared to 6 percent of men. E)All of the above are correct. 32)According to the 1996 National Childcare Study in Canada, __________ of children who need childcare have access to it. A) 15 percent B) 25 percent C) 35 percent D) 45 percent E) 55 percent 33)Which of the following is accurate? A)Mothers and fathers are equally happy about either set of grand parents doing childcare. B)Fathers are equally happy with their parents or parents in law doing childcare. C)Mothers are equally happy with their parents or parents in law doing childcare. D)Fathers are more likely to want to do childcare than having either set of grandparents do it E)Mothers are particularly opposed to their parents doing regular childcare. 34)The burden of elder care has fallen on the shoulders of which group? A)Older, retired women. B)Young working women. C)Young urban professionals. D)Middle-aged men. E)Middle-aged women. 35)Which of the following contributes to the increased stress of eldercare? A)Lack of adequate communication about care giving preferences. B)Increase financial burden of putting the elderly in nursing homes. C)Stubbornness of the elderly who are set in their ways. D)Increased need to take care of not only parents, but also grandparents and great-grandparents at the same time. E)All of the above. 36)Healthcare shortage for elders is most pronounced in A)India. B)China. C)Brazil. D)Canada. E)USA. 37)What determines whether a working mother feels stressed and whether this stress harms the family is largely the result of________ A)her income. B)her feeling of control. C)her religious beliefs. D)her marital status. E)her ethnicity. 38)Sociologists have found that women’s increased labour market work A)makes them more vulnerable to abuse in the home. B)alters authority patterns between husbands and wives. C)is detrimental to the well-being of children. D)gives them less bargaining power in the home because the domestic sphere is no longer their exclusive turf. E)has little or no impact on family life. 39)The “sandwich generation’ is a term that describes A)the popularity of having three children in the early 1950s, such that the middle child was “sandwiched” between two siblings. B)the large group of baby-boomers who competed for a small number of jobs and spouses. C)middle-aged adults who find themselves caring for dependent children and elderly parents at the same time. D)middle-aged workers who find themselves being replaced by younger workers on the one hand, and being laid off by more senior staff on the other. E)young, urban professionals whose work schedules only allow for a quick sandwich at lunch. 40)Children of women who work outside the home and who experience high levels of occupational complexity tend to have A)more behavioral problems. B)fewer behavioral problems. C)lower IQ scores. D)lower self-esteem. E)more social disorders.


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