11.Given that a T- score = (z-score x 10) + 50, a z-score of 1.50 could be reexpressed              as a T-score of a)63 b)65 c)61 d)51.5 12._________ transformations express a person’s score in terms of where it falls on the normal curve, rather than simply providing a new unit of measurement. a)Z-score b)T-score c) Linear d)Area 13.Percentile transformations change the relationship between scores such that scores a)near the center of the distribution differ substantially in their percentile ranks b)near the center of the distribution are similar in their percentile ranks c)at the extremes of the distribution differ substantially in their percentile ranks d)throughout the same distribution have equivalent percentile ranks 14.When a distribution is highly skewed, we may want to a)use z-scores on the data b) use stanines on the data c)normalize the distribution d)ignore the data 15.The techniques used to equate scores across groups of examinees or forms of tests involve a)comparing z-scores instead of raw scores b)using anchor items c)having all groups take all forms of the test d)both a and b 16.The normative group is a)a single population from which scores are interpreted b)the group from which standards for interpreting the test are taken c)randomly selected from the test sample population d)any population of examinees for a given test 17.Normative data a)lasts over time b)does not change quickly c)can change quickly d)is easily interpreted 18.When comparing a score to grade norms, the grade equivalent of a given score is a)normal and deviations are considered abnormal b)the median score of the norm group c)the mean score of the norm group d)the mean score of children that age 19.A second grade child’s score on a vocabulary test has a grade equivalent of 4.0. This child a)should be in fourth grade b)should be moved to third grade at least c)is achieving at the overall level of most children entering fourth grade d)earned a score that we would expect a typical fourth grader to earn on this test 20.The relationship between test scores and some other variable, based on the experience of the members of the norm group, are presented via a)normative charts b) expectancy charts c)age norms d)norm tables 21.Expectancy tables are most similar to a) z-scores b)transformations c)percentiles d)correlations 22.”Real” levels of intelligence are indicated via a)population norms b)subgroup norms c)norm-based scores d)none of the above 23.In contrast to norm-referenced tests which assess one’s performance relative to other individuals, criterion-referenced tests a)assess one’s performance in comparison to some standard(s) b)assess one’s performance in comparison to groups of people c)evaluate one’s performance within a group setting d)are less challenging to develop 24.The Angoff method for setting cutoff scores involves a)taking the average test score from the sample population b)taking the average test score from a sample of successful individuals c)expert judges rating for the probability that a barely competent person will answer items correctly d)expert judges rate for each test item the probability that a successful person will              answer correctly