31) Professor Candice Candlestick said that social science cannot be value neutral, and a good study requires putting results into action to help people change society. Dr. Candlestick uses which approach to social science? A) Positivism B) Interpretative social science C) Critical social science D) All of the above E) None of the above 32) The Interpretative Social Science approach is described as idiographic and inductive in its theory and method. What does this mean? A) It tries to discover a system of causal laws that determines patterns of human behaviour. B) It begins with abstract ideas, laws, or propositions. These are used to deduce logically or infer specific hypotheses that researchers test against the facts of observable empirical reality. C) It focuses on descriptions of specific people and events in a particular situation. It also starts with direct observations of the details in a situation and later develops somewhat more abstract generalizations if appropriate. D) A and B E) A and C 33) Positivism seeks universal laws, and positivist researchers attempt to create law-like generalizations to explain events in the social world. This focus on laws in explanation is called A) nomothetic. B) idiographic. C) inductive. D) deductive. E) dialectic. 34) Some researchers encourage putting theory into practice and using the results of the practice to reformulate theory such that research encourages action in which people learn how to change the world. This idea is called A) replication. B) verstehen. C) praxis. D) paradigm. E) none of the above. 35) Verstehen is a term used by which basic approach to social science? A) Positivist B) Interpretative C) Critical D) A and C E) B and C 36) Value-free research is emphasized by which of the three approaches to social science? A) Positivist B) Interpretative C) Critical D) All of the above E) A and C only 37) Praxis is used by which of the three major approaches to social science? A) Positivist B) Interpretative C) Critical D) A and B E) B and C 38) In which situations would a researcher be most likely to use grounded theory? A) Qualitative, inductive field research that builds on empirical generalizations B) Quantitative experimental research that is explanatory and tests theory C) A quantitative and deductive study that is nomothetic D) An existing statistics study that works from an abstract theory down to testable hypotheses E) None of the above 39) Which of the following is at the most abstract, general level that is only loosely used when conducting an empirical research study? A) Scientific paradigm B) Formal theory C) Middle-range theory D) Empirical generalization E) Informal theory 40) The following theoretical proposition is an expression of which of the following: The more frequently and intensely a family engages in loving, close leisure activities together as a family unit, the less likely the children will develop distant, alienated feelings toward their parents. A) A negative causal relationship B) A positive causal relationship C) A functional theory D) A scientific paradigm E) None of the above


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