21) According to the Hofstede’s research, ________ scored high on the individualism dimension. a. Colombia b. Australia c. Thailand d. Portugal e. China 22) According to Hofstede’s research, societies that score low on _____________ are risk takers. a. long-term orientation b. masculinity c. uncertainty avoidance d. restraint e. power distance 23) Research shows that Baby Boomers, who are one of the age groups of Canadians, a. value a sense of accomplishment. b. lack discipline. c. are flexible. d. are less willing to make personal sacrifices. e. value happiness and pleasure. 24) Studies have shown that when individual employee values align with organizational values, a. there are more positive work attitudes, lower turnover, and greater productivity. b. there is an overall improvement in attitude, but other improvements are hard to measure. c. there is a change in attitudes, but there is no difference in turnover. d. there is a change in attitudes, but there is no improvement in productivity. e. there is a change in attitudes over the long-term of the company, but not in the short term. 25) Skepticism of authority and preference for team-oriented work are values of a. Millennials. b. Elders. c. Baby Boomers. d. Generation Y. e. Generation X 26) Gwen is very focused on job satisfaction but at the same time is less willing to make personal sacrifices for the sake of her organization. Gwen is likely a member of a. the Elders. b. the Millennials. c. Generation Y. d. the Baby Boomers. e. Generation X. 27) Clarence is guided by the values of becoming rich but is also showing a high degree of social responsibility. He is likely a member of a. Generation X. b. the Baby Boomers. c. Generation Y. d. the Elders. e. the Millennials. 28) A study on francophone and anglophone values suggests that a. francophone managers favour behaviour that is beneficial to their own interests first. b. francophones are more individualistic than ever. c. anglophones are more collectivistic than ever. d. francophone managers are more achievement oriented. e. francophones have been shown to take more risks. 29) Compared with francophone business people, Canadian anglophone business people have been found to a. be more aggressive. b. be more focused on interpersonal aspects of work. c. consider self-serving behaviour acceptable. d. value affiliation in the workplace. e. be more achievement oriented. 30) In her study, Lindsay Redpath concluded that Aboriginal cultures a. are more collectivist than non-Aboriginal cultures in either Canada or the United States. b. are higher on uncertainty avoidance than non-Aboriginal cultures in either Canada or the United States. c. are not more likely to reflect and advance the goals of the community. d. demonstrate a lower sense of family, affiliation, and loyalty within the workplace. e. support a larger power distance than non-Aboriginal cultures of Canada and the United States.


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