11. A transient stab of pain when the abdomen is pressed and released is called __________ tenderness. A. abdominal B. percussion C. palpation D. rebound 12. Which of these conditions CANNOT be assessed by abdominal percussion? A. Hepatosplenomegaly B. Costovertebral angle tenderness C. Presence of tumor D. Gas-distended bowel 13. Shifting dullness to percussion is a sign of __________. A. enlargement of the spleen and liver B. intestinal obstruction C. free fluid in the peritoneum D. flatus 14. Which normal intra-abdominal structures can be palpated in a patient with moderate obesity? A. No normal-sized structures can be palpated in a patient of this size. B. An enlarged spleen can be palpated in a patient of this size, but not the stomach. C. The pancreas, gallbladder, and spleen can be palpated can be palpated in a patient of this size. D. Both B and C are correct. 15. Which of the following is a term for precancerous cellular changes of the esophagus due to chronic gastroesophageal reflux? A. Poupart esophagus B. Barrett esophagus C. Treitz esophagus D. Bowman esophagus 16. What is the cause of most cases of ulcers of the stomach and duodenum? A. Alcohol consumption B. Spicy foods C. Stress D. Helicobacter pylori 17. Slight fever, tachycardia, abdominal tenderness, and rebound pain over McBurney point are diagnostic for which of the following disease conditions? A. Diverticulitis B. Appendicitis C. Ulcerative colitis D. Irritable bowel disease 18. Which of the following best defines the condition of volvulus? A. Passage of a segment of intestine into the segment distal to it B. Ischemia of a portion of bowel C. Twisted loop of intestine D. Intestinal obstruction 19. Which of the following is the medical term for an abdominal hernia caused by age-related thinning and stretching of the lower abdominal wall, allowing protrusion of abdominal contents? A. Direct inguinal B. Indirect inguinal C. Femoral D. Umbilical 20. Removal of the gallbladder is called __________. A. Cholelithiasis B. Choledochotomy C. Cholecystectomy D. Colostomy 21. Which of the following refers to the procedure that allows direct visualization of the esophagus, stomach, and first part of the small intestine with a scope? A. Gastroscopy B. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy C. Laparoscopy D. Colonoscopy 22. Which of the following is an enzyme that is elevated in blood studies in liver disease such as hepatitis and cirrhosis? A. O&P B. CLO C. AST D. ALT 23. What test reveals the presence of blood in stool, even when the quantity is so small that it cannot be seen with the naked eye? A. Hemoccult B. Meckel scan C. Indirect bilirubin D. Hematocrit 24. Which of the following is an active ingredient in antacids? A. Aluminum B. Calcium C. Sodium D. All of these 25. Which gastrointestinal symptom can be treated with a known side effect of narcotic drugs? A. Diarrhea B. Crohn disease C. Irritable bowel disease