41) Use the letters marking parts of the diagram of the measurement process to identify the following parts: Conceptual definition of the Dependent Variable A) K B) G C) B D) A E) C 42) Use the letters marking parts of the diagram of the measurement process to identify the following part: conceptualization of the dependent variable. A) E B) I C) H D) D E) F 43) Use the letters marking parts of the diagram of the measurement process to identify the following part: empirical hypothesis. A) L B) B C) H D) G E) C 44) When comparing qualitative and a quantitative approaches to measurement, operationalization in the qualitative approach involves which of the following? A) More of an “after-the-fact” description based on what was observed in the data than based on a pre-planned idea B) A researcher taking a carefully developed theoretical definition and developing specific empirical indicators of it for use when later gathering data C) A process that comes after careful conceptualization; operationalization never comes before careful conceptualization in qualitative research D) There is no difference between qualitative and quantitative operationalization. E) There is no operationalization in qualitative research. 45) A Cronbach’s alpha score of 0.85 for the Canadian Index of Well-being (CIW) means: A) that all the items in the index do not fit together well. B) that all the items in the index measure the construct of “well-being” very well. C) that all the items in the index do not measure the construct of “well-being” very well. D) A and C E) none of the above 46) Minako Wada, a graduate student in sociology, considers herself to be an atheist. She is asked to complete a survey on international students’ experiences in Canada. The question on religious affiliation asks participants to identify their religious affiliation and includes the following categories: a. Catholic b. Protestant c. Jewish d. Muslim e. Hindu f. Buddhist g. Shinto h. Other religion ________________ What is wrong with this question? A) The response categories are not mutually exclusive. B) The response categories are not exhaustive. C) The response categories are not ranked. D) All of the above are problems. E) None of the above. 47) The following question appeared on the Canadian Community Health Survey, a survey administered to all Canadians 18 years of age and older: To what age category do you belong? a. 18-24 b. 25-34 c. 35-44 d. 45-54 e. 55-65 f. 65+ What is wrong with this question? A) The response categories are not exhaustive. B) The response categories are not mutually exclusive. C) The response categories are not labelled with life course stages, e.g., middle age, senior. D) All of the above are problems. E) None of the above. 48) conceptual definition 49) conceptual hypothesis 50) conceptualization


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