1.  Which of the following abbreviations is correctly translated? A. CMS stands for Center for Medicare Services. B. CQM stands for Clinical Quality Management. C. CPOE stands for Computerized Provider Order Entry. D. BE-SRT stands for By Extra Sensory Reactive Transcription. 2. Which of the following abbreviations is correctly translated and described? A. ONC is an abbreviation that is short for the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, referring to the division of HHS that coordinates health information technology development. B. CAH stands for chronic abdominal hernias and refers to a condition that requires surgical correction. C. FTP stands for frequent transcription processes and refers to transcription of routine information. D. CDS stands for Clinical Decision Systems and refers to computerized data that tells doctors which medications to prescribe according to insurance company guidelines. 3. Which of the following abbreviations is correctly translated and described? A. NIST stands for National Institute of Standards and Technology, a division of the U.S. Department of Commerce responsible for weights, measures, and computer security. B. TAT is an abbreviation that means transcription access technology, and it refers to the process of prioritizing specific reports to HDSs for completion. C. FE-SRT stands for feasibly efficient secondary radiology transcription, meaning that radiologists must edit their own dictation as efficiently as possibly as a secondary task. D. EHR stands for excessive heart rate and refers to an increase of a patient’s pulse beyond what is healthy. 4.  Which of the following is NOT a file format used to deliver digital dictation audiofiles? A. .mp3 B. .wpd C. .wma D. .wav 5. Your supervisor tells you that authentication is an important part of health information security. As a professional healthcare documentation specialist, you know this means: A. All health information must be accurately documented, which means it is authentic. B. A system that limits access to certain authorized users. C. An electronic signature, indicating that a health record entry is both accurate and complete. D. Both an electronic signature and a means of limited access to a computer system. 6. Which of the following definitions best describes the concept of encryption? A. An unfailing way to protect PHI, even if the storage media on which it resides is stolen. B. Technology that encodes text with an algorithmic formula. C. 128-bit and 256-bit encryption fulfill NIST guidelines. D. All of these. E. None of these. 7. Your supervisor tells you that as a remote-based HDS, you will be using an integrated transcription platform. What is this? A. A footpedal that is controlled with your computer. B. A portal that integrates email and texting. C. A platform that combines dictation, transcription, and file transmission, including word processing and transcriber functions. D. A word processor that includes abbreviation expander software. 8. As a professional healthcare documentation specialist, you are asked by the HIM department director to sit in on a meeting with a speech recognition software salesperson. In discussing the software’s features, the salesperson mentions the language model. You explain to the HIM director that the salesperson is talking about: A. Use of an algorithm to train the system to understand the speech habits of individual dictators. B. Teaching the computer system to understand English. C. A method of expanding blocks of text using abbreviation expansion software. D. A complex set of grammatical and syntactical rules that determine sentence structure. 9. In your work as an HDS for a large healthcare clinic, the chief medical officer tells you that she is working to meet meaningful use standards. You understand that this means: A. Standards set by CMS to determine whether eligible providers receive financial incentives for use of an EMR system. B. Timely adoption of the new coding system of ICD-10. C. Purchase of an EMR system that replaces the HDS’s work with point-and-click documentation. D. Implementation of the least expensive EMR system available. 10. The practice of allowing workers to look at only the information systems that they need to do their jobs is called: A. information template development B. speaker profile creation C. secure web portals D. role-based limited access


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