151. _______ is a bacterial disease that spreads when people have contact with this bacterial sore in another person’s mouth, external genitals, vagina, anus, or rectum. The sores that appear early in the disease are followed by a skin rash and other symptoms, which may include fever, swollen lymph glands, and fatigue. The next stage involves damage to the heart and nervous system with the last stage involving blindness, mental illness, and death. a. Trichomoniasis b. Genital herpes c. Chlamydia d. Syphilis 152. _______ invades cells in the body’s immune system, reducing its ability to fight infections and cancers with individuals having ________ when the number of critical immune cells falls below a specified value or serious infections or cancers appear. a. HIV; AIDS b. AIDS; HIV c. Chlamydia; pelvic inflammatory disease d. Gonorrhea; pelvic inflammatory disease 153. Which of the following is/are TRUE regarding HIV and AIDS? a. When a person has AIDS, death ultimately results from bacterial infections, tuberculosis, pneumonia, or other illnesses. b. Pregnant mothers can pass the virus to their baby during pregnancy, delivery, or breastfeeding. c. Globally, over 20 million people have died since AIDS statistics have been kept. d. All of these statements are true. 154. Regarding strategies for preventing sexually-transmitted diseases, which of the following is/are TRUE? a. Abstinence is the only fail-safe measure to avoid infection. b. It is not uncommon for people to lie about their STD status. c. Proper use of latex condoms reduces the risk of contracting an STD. d. All of these statements are true. 155. Regarding strategies for preventing sexually-transmitted diseases, which of the following is FALSE? a. The use of latex condoms is the only fail-safe measure to avoid infection. b. Abstain from sex while you are being treated for an STD, and have your partner treated for diseases that can re-infect you. c. Alcohol and drugs impair judgment and increase your risk of making sexual decisions that you later regret.. d. It is impossible to control your partner’s behavior, so it makes sense to continue other precautions against SDTs. 156. Which of the following is FALSE regarding contraception? a. One area where adolescents seem to have reasonable knowledge about sex is birth control. b. In a 2003 survey, 30 percent of teens reported that they sometimes have unprotected sex. c. In a 2004 survey, only 25 percent of girls were taking birth control pills the last time they had intercourse. d. Birth rates are higher in countries that are the most tolerant of adolescent sexuality. 157. Which of the following is FALSE regarding contraception? a. Although adolescents in the U.S. seem to have reasonable knowledge about birth control, they tend to use birth control inconsistently. b. Teens who feel guilty about having sex are more likely to use contraceptives. c. Sexually active adolescents are more likely to use contraception if their parents attended college. d. Birth rates are lowest in countries that are the most tolerant of adolescent sexuality. 158. Adolescents are LESS likely to use contraception if a. they are doing well in school and have high aspirations for the future. b. teen pregnancy is uncommon in their community. c. they are in a steady relationship. d. they feel guilty about having sex.. 159. Which of the following is FALSE regarding teen pregnancy in the U.S.? a. Teenage pregnancy has always been common in the U.S. b. Teen pregnancy became a social issue in the 1970s because pregnant teens were not getting married. c. There has been a gradual decline in the teenage birth rate since 1991 with the greatest decline among African-American girls. d. Typically, the teenage mother is usually the same age as the father of their child. 160. Which of the following is/are TRUE regarding teen pregnancy in the U.S.? a. Teenage mothers experience more pregnancy complications than older mothers. b. The newborns of teen mothers are more likely than the newborns of older mothers to be small and premature. c. The children of teenage mothers are more likely to be victims of violent and unintentional injuries. d. All of these statements are true.


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