341. Studies that estimate the heritability of a trait by breeding animals with other animals that have the same trait are called ______. a. selection studiesc. family studies b. strain studiesd. twin studies 342. Scientists studying behavior genetics in humans commonly use which of the following types of studies for their research on people? a. Twin studies, but not family, selection, or strain studies. b. Twin and family studies, but not selection or strain studies. c. Twin, family, and selection studies, but not strain studies. d. Twin, family, selection, and strain studies. 343. Studies of heritability in humans that assume that if genes influence a certain trait, close relatives should be more similar with that trait than distant relatives are called ______. a. family studiesc. strain studies b. twin studiesd. selection studies 344. Each of the following is true of family study research designs in behavior genetics EXCEPT ______. a. they make it possible to rule out the role of the environment b. they are designed for human research c. they assume a greater similarity of a trait among close relatives as opposed to distant relatives d. they suggest a role for heredity in schizophrenia 345. Which of the following types of studies is least effective in ruling out environmental effects in the development of traits? a. strain studiesc. twin studies b. selection studiesd. family studies 346. An extremely useful research method for studying human behavior genetics is ______. a. selective breedingc. selection studies b. strain studiesd. twin studies 347. Which of the following have the MOST similar genetic composition? a. fraternal twinsc. identical twins b. siblingsd. cousins 348. Fraternal twins are ______ similar genetically than are other brothers and sisters. a. much morec. no more b. slightly mored. much less 349. Twins that develop from two separate fertilized ova and are therefore different in genetic make-up are ______ twins. a. identicalc. Siamese b. fraternald. symbiotic 350. Twins that develop from a single fertilized ovum are ______ twins. a. identicalc. Siamese b.