11) Which of the following is the best definition of marketing research? Marketing research is: A) the activity of analyzing secondary information and providing executives with timely reports. B) the process of designing experiments that provide decision makers with causal information. C) the linking of consumers with information managers. D) the process of analyzing existing information so that decision makers can make better decisions. E) the process of designing, gathering, analyzing, and reporting information that may be used to solve a specific marketing problem. 12) Marketing research provides the necessary information to: A) adopt the marketing concept. B) enable managers to properly market ideas, goods, and services. C) satisfy a promotional or sales gimmick. D) monitor accounting performance. E) outbid the competition. 13) Which of the following refers to applying marketing research to a specific market area? A) marketing research B) market research C) area marketing research D) geographical research E) target area research 14) Which of the following is the best statement reflecting the purpose of marketing research? A) To provide consumers with information they need to evaluate products and services at a profit. B) To provide information that improves profitability. C) To link the environments to the firm. D) To link target markets to specific decision makers at all levels within firms. E) To link the consumer to the marketer by providing information that can be used in making marketing decisions. 15) In their book, Counterintuitive Marketing: Achieve Great Results Using Uncommon Sense, Clancy and Krieg argue that many failures may be attributed to managers making: A) intuitive decisions without the use of research. B) bad decisions but with good information. C) decisions based only on competitive information. D) good decisions, but making them too late to be competitive. E) decisions that allow for the counter-actions of competitors. 16) Marketing research conducted on the popular TV program, Seinfeld, starring Jerry Seinfeld, was used to illustrate: A) how marketing research always correctly identifies a product or service that will be a success in the marketplace. B) when marketing research predicts a failure, yet there is a success. C) when marketing research predicts a failure and there is a failure. D) why marketing research may not be applied to all fields, such as entertainment. E) how marketing research may be used for television but not for movies. 17) Which of the following best illustrates one of the applications of marketing research; monitoring marketing performance? A) Marketing research managers closely overseeing the work of subordinates in the marketing research industry. B) Describing the return on investment of firms using or not using marketing research. C) Tracking research that monitors how well products are performing in the marketplace. D) Providing closed-circuit TV to monitor the actions of marketing researchers practicing in the field. E) Setting up a consumer complaints system. 18) The difference between basic research and applied research is that basic research is conducted to: A) determine the most appropriate basic price for new products. B) determine the most efficient basic distribution channels for products. C) expand our knowledge rather than to solve a specific problem. D) determine the most basic desired features in new products. E) understand the basic desires and motives of consumers. 19) We can classify marketing research studies according to: A) the size of the financial investment. B) the NAICS codes. C) the level of complexity. D) the application. E) CAMRO. 20) Which of the following is NOT one of the subsystems of the marketing information system? A) internal reports system B) marketing intelligence system C) marketing decision support system D) consumer information support system E) marketing research system


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