11)Which of the following forms of marriage is the rarest? A)a marriage based on love B)polyandry C)polygyny D)monogamy E)serial monogamy 12)Polyandry, according to anthropologist Marvin Harris, is more likely to occur A)in societies with low population pressure. B)in societies with high population pressure. C)in societies where matriarchy is prevalent. D)in third world countries. E)in cultures that value female contributions to the family. 13)The term “serial monogamy†refers to A)a person who is involved in a series of short-term relationships, one at a time. B)the marriage of one person over their life course to a sequence of partners, one at a time. C)the marriage of one man to more than one woman. D)someone who is dating several people at the same time. E)the inability to make a long-term commitment to a partner. 14)Research on attitudes towards marriage found that A)females value marriage more than men. B)traditional family values are being abandoned for more flexible forms of family formation. C)older people value marriage more than younger people. D)young people are delaying marriage to pursue individual-based goals, such as education and careers. E)present-day cultural stereotypes still favour the traditional family. 15) Popenoe (1993) feared the decline of the modern family. He feels this has led to A) Declining equality between partners. B) Deinstitutionalization of marriage. C)  Corruption of marriage partners. D) De-sensitization of children’s emotion. E) Increased equality between partners. 16)Recent surveys (e.g., Wu, 2000) find that young Canadians are becoming A)less interested in non-marital sexual behaviour. B)less interested in non-marital cohabitation. C)more accepting of non-marital cohabitation, but less accepting of non-marital sexual behaviour. D)more accepting of non-marital sexual behaviour, but less accepting of non-marital cohabitation. E)more accepting of both non-marital cohabitation and non-marital sexual behaviour. 17)Up until the 1960s, marriage was viewed as a social ritual that declared A)one’s independence. B)one’s entrance into adulthood. C)one’s readiness of childrearing. D)the economic union of two families. E)one’s separation from the parental home. 18)What two recent social changes have led to significant changes in attitudes to sexuality and women’s place in the family? A)the sexual revolution & the feminist movement B)commuter marriages & civil solidarity pacts C)commuter marriages & the feminist movement D)the sexual revolution & internet dating E)civil solidarity pacts & internet dating 19)Today, marriage is perceived as A)a cultural expectation. B)a means of fulfilling personal or emotional needs. C)an inevitable life event. D)an economical necessity. E)a status symbol. 20)Which of the following statements is true about the marriage rate in Canada? A)The marriage rate has increased in Quebec and Ontario but has declined in the Prairie Provinces and British Columbia. B)Marriage rates first began to climb in the 1960s, increasing fastest in the 1970s and have been steadily increasing since the 1980s. C)The sexual revolution had largely no effect on changes in the marriage rate in Canada and the provinces. D)There has been a large increase in the marriage rate across all Canadian provinces except for in Quebec. E)There has been a slight decrease in the marriage rate across most Canadian provinces except for B.C, Ontario and the Yukon.