An 18-year-old baseball pitcher with shoulder instability underwent a glenohumeral cap- sular shift . Question
Asked by dreamerfcf
An 18-year-old baseball pitcher with shoulder instability underwent a glenohumeral cap- sular shift reconstruction one week ago. The surgeon wants you to begin the rehabilitation process today. The patient’s shoulder is supported on a bolster with the arm in partial abduction and medial rotation. Examination reveals a nicely healing surgical scar over the anterior-inferior aspect of the shoulder. Passive range of motion measures 70° medial rotation, 80° abduction, and lateral rotation stops at 10° from neutral (unable to achieve lateral rotation). There is tenderness over the supraspinatus muscle belly, and the upper trapezius and levator scapula muscles are tense and tender to palpation. Questions for Analysis 1. What will your treatment session today include? What precautions must you consider? 2. Give this patient an outline of your rehabilitation program with an estimate of how long it will be before he begins a pitching program. 3. Outline his pitching progression program.
An 18-year-old baseball pitcher with shoulder instability underwent a glenohumeral cap- sular shift