51) What do we call the state of a neuron when it is not firing a neural impulse? a. Action potential b. Resting potential c. Myelination signal d. Transmission impulse 52) The state during which a neuron contains more negatively charged ions inside the cell than outside the cell and is not firing is referred to as the a. action potential. b. quiet potential. c. synaptic potential. d. resting potential. 53) During action potential, the electrical charge inside the neuron is ______ the electrical charge outside the neuron. a. more positive than b. larger than c. more negative than d. smaller than 54) When a neuron fires, it fires in a(n) ________ fashion as there is no such thing as “partial” firing. a. all-or-none b. rapid fire c. accidental patterned d. quick succession 55) “All or none” is the principle stating that a. a neuron either fires or does not fire. b. a neuron fires at full strength or not at all. c. all the dendrites must be receiving messages telling the neuron to fire or it will not fire at all. d. all somas must be receiving messages telling the neuron to fire or it will not fire at all. 56) Which of the following statements about action potentials is not true? a. Action potentials operate on an all-or-none principle whether a cell either “fires” or it does not. b. Action potentials are regenerative and once started, they continue the length of the axon. c. Action potentials operate differently than graded potentials. d. Action potentials are bidirectional and can flow either up or down an axon. 57) Which of the following statements is not true? a. Action potentials are always the same strength. b. Action potentials will jump from node to node on myelinated axons. c. Action potentials are graded in size. d. Action potentials travel down the axon. 58) Owantu let out an ear-piercing scream when he became frightened. He was unable to stimulate those neurons for a brief time after their firing because of the a. potential gradation. b. absolute refractory period. c. relative refractory period. d. regenerative timeout. 59) Which of the following statements is not true? a. Graded potentials can be inhibitory. b. Graded potentials can be excitatory. c. Graded potentials always become action potentials. d. Graded potentials are postsynaptic potentials. 60) The maximal firing rate, or the fastest rate at which a neuron can fire, is limited by the a. number of glial cells surrounding the axon. b. absolute refractory period. c. number of graded potential inputs received by the cell. d. postsynaptic potential of the neuron.


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