21) Anterior cord syndrome is caused by which of the following mechanisms? A) Tearing of the anterior cord due to hyperextension mechanisms B) Disruption of arterial blood supply to the anterior cord C) Laceration of the anterior cord caused by bone fragments D) Contusion of the anterior cord caused by blunt trauma 22) The diaphragm is controlled by peripheral nerve roots ________ through ________. A) C-3, C-7 B) C-3, C-5 C) C-1, C-7 D) C-1, C-5 23) The spinal cord is continuous from the brain to the level of: A) T-12 or T-13 B) L-5 or L-6 C) The coccyx D) L-1 or L-2 24) You are treating a 16-year-old male who fell while practicing a new move on his skateboard. Bystanders relate that the patient was not wearing a helmet. The bystanders also relate that the patient was alert and oriented following the fall; however, while waiting for you to arrive, the patient became unconscious. While performing your physical exam, you note that the patient has a hematoma to the right temporal area. Your assessment leads you to believe that your patient has an epidural hematoma. You know that an epidural hematoma is caused by what type of bleeding? A) Venous bleeding B) Capillary bleeding C) Arterial bleeding D) Venous and capillary bleeding 25) You have intubated a five-year-old girl with a suspected head injury. You note that the patient is exhibiting signs of herniation. What is the desired range for this patient’s end-tidal CO2? A) 35 to 40 B) 30 to 35 C) 25 to 30 D) 40 to 45 26) The phrenic nerve consists of peripheral nerve roots ________ through ________. A) C-1, C-3 B) C-5, C-8 C) C-3, C-5 D) C-1, C-8 27) Your patient is a 17-year-old female who fell from a horse. She is complaining of being unable to move. During your assessment, you have placed her arms at her sides, but her arms keeping returning to a “stick-up†or “hold-up†position. Based on this, which of the following is most likely? A) The patient has a spinal-cord injury at T-1. B) The patient has Brown-Sequard Syndrome. C) The patient is feigning the injury. D) The patient has a spinal-cord injury in the midcervical region. 28) All the following are seen in Cushing’s Triad except: A) Increased blood pressure B) Irregular respirations C) Tachycardia D) All of the above are seen in Cushing’s Triad 29) Which of the following spinal-cord injuries is LEAST likely to result in residual neurological deficit? A) Compression B) Transection C) Contusion D) Laceration 30) Pediatric patients are _____ likely to become hypovolemic from head injuries than adult patients. A) More B) Less C) Equally D) Due to the movable fontanels, pediatric patients always become hypovolemic