41) Rick Irizarry of Irizarry Insurance Company is conducting a survey of potential customers. One of his questions asks how much customers would be willing to pay in annual premium for a $100,000 life insurance policy. Check appropriate category: ___ $1 to $10 month ___ $11 to $20 month ___ $21 to $30 month ___ $31 to $40 month ___ $41 to $50 month Rick should consider the level of the measurement scale to be: A) nominal B) ordinal C) interval D) ratio E) aided 42) Rick Irizarry of Irizarry Insurance Company is conducting a survey of potential customers. Age is an important issue in determining life insurance premiums. Rick considers asking for age in the following way: ___ 16 to 19 ___ 20 to 25 ___ 26 to 35 ___ 36 to 50 ___ over 50 Rick should consider the level of the measurement scale to be: A) nominal B) ordinal C) interval D) ratio E) open-ended 43) Rick Irizarry of Irizarry Insurance Company is conducting a survey of potential customers. Age is an important issue in determining life insurance premiums. Rick considers asking for age in the following way: How old are you? ___ years. A) nominal B) ordinal C) interval D) ratio E) categorical 44) For teaching purposes, measurement scales are often depicted as levels within a pyramid. What would NOT be shown on the pyramid? A) “Descriptive” would be on the bottom of the pyramid as it is the most basic and is present in every scale B) “origin” would be on the top of the pyramid as it is the first level; the starting point C) “distance” would be above “order” because as a scale, in order to have “distance” you must first have order D) “origin” is above “distance” because “origin” has “distance” but “distance” does not have “origin” E) “order” is above “descriptive” because you are looking at relative size of descriptors 45) Which of the following is NOT a reason for selecting a preferred format? A) It streamlines the questionnaire design process B) It saves time C) open-ended formats offer no value D) It saves money E) No need to be creative and invent a new form 46) Market researchers use “constructs,” or standard marketing concepts. They typically have a mental vision of how each construct will be measured. This mental vision is called a(n): A) construct scale format. B) halo effect. C) stapel. D) operational definition. E) aided definition. 47) A 5-point scale that is “anchored” means that each scale point is given a verbal description. A) True B) False 48) An open-ended question presents no response options to the respondent. A) True B) False 49) A respondent entering a response of “male or female” would be answering a categorical dual-choice response format. A) True B) False 50) All scaled-response questions must be labeled. A) True B) False


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