111) Simple and complex cells in the visual system are also called ______________ because they process lines, edges, and patterns to identify objects. a. Gestalt cells b. ganglion cells c. bipolar cells d. feature detector cells 112) The Kanizsa square is used in your text to demonstrate the phenomenon called subjective contours. What Gestalt principle helps to explain why we perceive subjective contours? a. Good continuation b. Closure c. Symmetry d. Figure-ground 113) What psychological school first identified that visual perception occurs in terms of whole objects rather than individual component parts? a. Psychoanalytic b. Gestalt c. Behaviourism d. Humanistic 114) When taking a picture, photographers attempt to draw people’s attention toward a particular image. This is one example of the Gestalt principle of a. symmetry. b. figure-ground. c. proximity. d. closure. 115) At a junior high dance, Mr. Holland tends to view boys and girls sitting together as “couples” regardless of whether they are actually dating. This illustrates the Gestalt principle of a. similarity. b. symmetry. c. proximity. d. closure. 116) Both the Necker cube and Rubin’s vase illusion are examples of ___________, and we can typically perceive them only one way at a time. a. figure-ground images b. subjective contours c. bistable images d. the phi phenomenon 117) Our ability to see action, rather than a series of static pictures, in movies is the result of a. the phi phenomenon. b. symmetry. c. closure. d. good continuation. 118) According to ________, colour vision evolved because perceiving colour helped our early ancestors forage for food. a. trichromatic theory b. opponent process theory c. binocular theory d. gestalt theory 119) Which of the following statements about face recognition is inaccurate? a. Cells in the lower part of the temporal lobe respond to faces. b. Neurons in the hippocampus appear to fire selectively in response to certain faces. c. Research has proven that we have individual “grandmother cells” that only respond to specific faces. d. Sprawling networks of neurons, rather than single cells, are responsible for face recognition. 120) Brianna just bought new lights for her Christmas tree that are supposed to look like they are moving. When she puts them up, it looks as if the lights circle continuously around the tree. This perception of movement is due to a. emergence. b. feature detectors. c. the phi phenomenon. d. opponent processes.


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