Multiple Choice Questions 1. For Malcolm X, the ______ transformed him from a directionless criminal into one of the driving forces of the civil rights movement. a. death of his younger brother b. support of his parents and friends c. books in the prison library d. brutalism he saw toward black inmates by the white prison guards 2. Actor Tom Cruise felt that he had mastered the world when he overcame _______ and learned how to read. a. dyslexia b. dyspraxia c. dyscalcula d. retinal disparity 3. Using books to escape her troubled past, Oprah Winfrey was drawn as a teenager to books about troubled women. She was particularly drawn to Margaret Walker’s ________, which is sometimes referred to as “the black Gone with the Wind.” a. As I Lay Dying b. Jubilee c. To Kill a Mockingbird d. Black, Like Me 4. Adolescents today are influenced by a. families. b. schools and communities. c. books, internet, and other media sources. d. all of these. 5. A popular tradition in Mexico is the quinceañera, which is a celebration of a. a girl’s fifteenth birthday. b. a girl’s menarche. c. a boy’s ascension into manhood. d. the betrothal of a couple. 6. In Mexico, the quinceañera is a. a ceremony that marks a girl’s transition from childhood to adulthood. b. a ceremony of a girl’s fifteenth birthday and announced that a girl was eligible for marriage. c. more symbolic today but may be followed by more dating privileges. d. all of these. 7. Which of the following is FALSE regarding how responsibilities of adulthood are given to adolescents? a. The quinceañera a ceremony in Spain that marks a boy’s transition from childhood to adulthood. b. Teens in some societies are gradually given more responsibility with no formal recognition that childhood is over. c. During adolescence, most U.S. and European teens enjoy increased driving privileges and more autonomy to come and go as they mature. d. During adolescence, most U.S. and European teens are expected to help out more with chores and pay for more of their nonessential expenses. 8. __________ commemorates events such as births, formal recognition of the end of childhood, marriage, and death. a. Gender intensification ceremonies b. Rites of passage c. Resiliency stages d. All of these 9. Rites of passage commemorate a. births. b. deaths. c. the formal recognition of the end of childhood. d. all of these. 10. The functions of modern rites of passage, such as confirmation ceremonies and bar mitzvahs include a. separating individuals from a previous identity and announcing this identity to the community. b. providing an opportunity to instruct individuals about their new roles. c. reinforcing cultural values. d. all of these.


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