11) Which of the following is a pneumonia-like biological agent likely to be used in a terrorist attack? A) VEE B) SARS C) Tularemia D) Smallpox 12) Which of the following is an example of an incendiary agent or device? A) White phosphorus B) Sarin gas C) A mixture of diesel fuel and nitrogen-based fertilizer D) Tularemia 13) Which of the following is a chemical nerve agent? A) Phosgene B) GD C) Lewisite D) Mark I 14) Which of the following is NOT a typical indication of exposure to a chemical nerve agent? A) Blurry vision B) Hot, dry skin C) Rhinorrhea D) Fasciculations 15) The main objective of terrorist acts is to: A) incite fear in the public. B) cause massive structural damage. C) draw attention to a group’s political agenda. D) demonstrate a group’s power and abilities. 16) Which of the following is NOT a biotoxin? A) HD B) SEB C) Ricin D) Botulinum toxin 17) Which of the following is the most effective way for EMS personnel to protect themselves against exposure to biological agents of terrorism? A) Disinfect the ambulance B) Use a HEPA mask C) Get immunized D) Wear gloves 18) Which of the following is the most common mechanism of action in nerve agents? A) Inhibit degradation of acetylcholine B) Central nervous system depression C) Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase D) Unopposed adrenergic stimulation 19) The risk of contamination from nuclear fallout after a nuclear explosion is greatest during which of the following periods? A) The first month after the blast B) 72 hours after the blast C) The first hour after the blast D) Between 1 and 48 hours after the blast 20) Which of the following is the cardinal sign of a toxic chemical release? A) A low-hanging vapor cloud B) An odor similar to rotten eggs or newly mown grass C) Puddles of an unusual liquid D) Similar signs and symptoms occurring rapidly in a group of individuals 21) The contents of a Mark I kit are most effective when they are: A) inhaled. B) injected subcutaneously or intramuscularly. C) ingested. D) administered intravenously. 22) Terrorist attacks are most likely to be targeted toward which of the following? A) Family members B) Grocery stores C) Structures symbolic of the government D) Individuals 23) The most common and immediately life-threatening injuries sustained in nuclear blasts are: A) burns. B) radiation exposure. C) shrapnel wounds. D) barotraumas. 24) Which of the following is NOT a chemical nerve agent? A) Tabun B) Lewisite C) VX