121) Beck views negative concepts of the self and the world as mental templates, or _________, that are adopted in childhood on the basis of early learning experiences. A) ego concepts B) existential schemata C) cognitive schemas D) personifications 122) Which of the following is NOT one of the 10 cognitive distortions related to depression described by Burns? A) undergeneralization B) mental filter C) jumping to conclusions D) should statements 123) Which of the following is NOT one of the 10 cognitive distortions related to depression described by Burns? A) catastrophizing B) depersonalization C) labelling and mislabelling D) disqualifying the positive 124) Which of the following is NOT one of the 10 cognitive distortions related to depression described by Burns? A) magnification and minimization B) should statements C) depersonalization D) disqualifying the positive 125) Selective abstraction is a process used in which of the following cognitive distortions? A) magnification and minimization B) mental filter C) jumping to conclusions D) labelling and mislabelling 126) Judd is a perfectionist. His cognitive distortion is ________. A) mental filtering B) emotional reasoning C) should statements D) all or nothing reasoning 127) After Judd was “dumped” by his girlfriend, he began thinking that women cannot be trusted. He promised never to let himself get involved with another woman again, because “she will leave me just like my last girlfriend did.” His cognitive error is ________. A) labelling and mislabelling B) emotional reasoning C) overgeneralization D) mental filter 128) Judd reviews his annual performance evaluation from his boss. Although there is only one negative comment on the entire evaluation, Judd ignores the positive comments and focuses only on the negative comment. His cognitive error is ________. A) overgeneralization B) labelling and mislabelling C) disqualifying the positive D) mental filter 129) After winning a big competition at work, Jeremy dismisses the compliments he receives by saying, “Oh, it’s nothing. Anyone could have done it!” His cognitive error is ________. A) overgeneralization B) labelling and mislabelling C) disqualifying the positive D) mental filter 130) Jaden believes that she will never succeed and that no matter what she does, she will never be happy. Beck would describe this as a __________. A) cognitive concept B) ego mapping C) ego schema D) cognitive schema


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