31. An exception to a deductible provision that allows one to use some of the deductible paid the prior year is called the: a.last year rule. b.carryover provision. c.second deductible. d.aggregate. 32. Family deductibles are more useful to the insured family when: a.the plan is an aggregate. b.the plan is nonaggregate. c.the plan is primary. d.the plan is secondary. 33. If the insurance family deductible is nonaggregate, all individual deductibles: a.are mute. b.must be met prior to the family deductible. c.are considered met when the family deductible is met. d.are the same amount. 34. HSA stands for: a.Health Standard Association. b.Health Standards for America. c.Health Savings Account. d.Health Savings Amendment. 35. How are coinsurance payment levels expressed? a.In dollar amounts b.In numbers of visits c.Always ten times the copayment d.In percentages 36. A patient can be charged both the deductible and the ______ in one visit: a.coinsurance b.remaining amount c.leftover amount premium 37. Copayments usually apply to which of the following services? a.Surgery b.Office visits c.Laboratory services d.All of the above 38. Coinsurance can have an out-of-pocket limit to help those insured with: accidents. b.catastrophic illness. c.debt. d.minimum payments. 39. For treatments or procedures that can require multiple visits, the medical biller should: the insurance policy before billing the claim. b.bill for all visits regardless of coverage. c.ensure that the physician is aware of the number of visits allowed in the patient’s insurance plan for this condition. d.check to make sure that no preexisting condition clauses apply to this type of treatment. 40. The definition of a preexisting condition is a condition for which: a.the patient has been seen within a defined period of time. b.the patient has the gene identified as causing the condition. c.the patient has symptoms that may be considered signs of the condition. d.the insurance company may be responsible for large amounts of money.


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