Multiple Choice 1.Shabbat is the Hebrew word for __________. A. Sabbath B. Bible C. Sunday D. Passover 2. Observant Jews read the ________ twice a day. A. Mitzvot B. Shema C. Eruv D. Shabbat 3.When praying the Amidah, the faithful will __________. A. kneel before God and prostrate themselves to the ground B. shout with a loud voice and place their hand over their heart C. stand and put their feet close together D. kneel while they bow their heads and fold their arms 4.A contained space within which Jews keep Shabbat is called the __________. A. shema B. torah C. kaddish D. eruv 5.The prayer for sanctification is called __________. A. eruv B. shema C. amidah D. kaddish 6.Kashrut are __________ A. prayers said in synagogues B. gentiles who have protected important Jewish sites C. Jewish dietary laws D. scriptures 7.The kind of food consumed according to kashrut is called __________. A. kaddish B. kosher C. hasidim D. eruv 8. The hekhsher is a(n) __________. A. symbol marking a product as kosher B. animal prepared for sacrifice C. story told of Abraham’s obedience D. non-Jew 9.The form of Judaism that perceives itself as a secret tradition is __________. A. Hasidim B. Halakah C. Aggadah D. Kabbalah 10.The “tree of life” is an image of __________. A. God’s attributes B. the world C. the animal kingdom D. the rocks and minerals 11.According to the Talmud, there should be at least ________ adults present for prayer in a synagogue. A. five B. seven C. ten D. three 12.Seder is a __________. A. traditional Jewish meal at Passover B. traditional prayer spoken at a Bar Mitzvah C. ceremony performed when a faithful member of the community dies D. Sabbath ceremony 13.The denomination of Judaism that has embraced change more than the others is called __________. A. Orthodox B. Kabbalah C. Reform D. Conservative 14.Tikkunolam is the __________. A. belief in one God B. first great sin against God C. idea that one should be ethical in all areas of life D. requirement of having at least ten adults for prayer in the synagogue 15.The Shoah is another name for the __________. A. Holocaust B. Shema C. Kabbalah D. Kaddish


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