131. Chorionic villus sampling is: a. done much later in a pregnancy than amniocentesis b. done earlier in a pregnancy than amniocentesis c. is another name for amniocentesis d. is only done when amniocentesis cannot be done 132. Which of the following techniques results in a karyotype picture of the baby’s chromosomes? a. ultrasound b. fetal monitoring c. chorionic villus sampling d. an Apgar test 13 Why is fetal monitoring generally used only with high-risk deliveries? a. because it is dangerous, and can cause a miscarriage b. because it reduces the supply of oxygen available to the baby during the birth process c. because it is quite painful for the mother d. because its use is associated with a significantly higher use of unnecessary caesarean sections 134. If a baby is positioned so that it will be born face up, this is called a _________ presentation; if the baby is positioned so that it will be born buttocks first, this is called a _____________ presentation. a. normal; breech b. breech; normal c. breech; posterior d. posterior; breech 135. Sondra finds out that her baby will be born head first, face up. This birthing situation would be correctly described as which of the following? a. posterior presentation b. breech presentation c. posterior breech presentation d. normal 136. While observing the birth of his daughter, Mr. Johnson sees that she will be born buttocks first. He would correctly describe this type of birth as: a. posterior presentation b. breech presentation c. normal presentation d. Apgar presentation 137. About what percent of births in the U.S. today are performed by cesarean section? a. 5-10% b. 15-20% c. 25% d. 33% 138. Why did the American Academy of Pediatrics take the position that electronic fetal monitoring be abandoned in low-risk pregnancies: a. it is very expensive b. it takes too much of the doctor’s time during labor and delivery c. it leads to an increase in cesarean deliveries d. it is too risky for the fetus 139. What is a perfect Apgar score? a. 0 b. 1 c. 7 d. 10 140. Suppose a baby is born whose Apgar score is  What would such a score most likely indicate? a. All vital signs are perfect. b. All vital signs are normal. c. Some of the baby’s bodily processes are not functioning fully. d. Immediate emergency measures are required.


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