31.The Treaty of Versailles places sole responsibility for the start of World War I on a.Bosnia. b.Austria. c.Germany. d.Russia. 32.In which area did the Treaty of Versailles differ most from Wilson’s Fourteen Points? a.the creation of the League of Nations b.its willingness to redraw European borders c.its commitment to ending secret alliances d.the reparations imposed on Germany 33.In November 1917, the provisional government in Russia was overthrown and the ______________ came to power. a.Social Revolutionaries b.Mensheviks c.Bolsheviks d.Liberals 34.The Irreconcilables opposed participation in the League of Nations because they a.wanted to continue a system of secret alliances. b.would not join any organization that included Germany. c.wanted no interference with American immigration laws. d.felt it would strengthen the power of imperialist nations. 35.Which statement about American reaction to the Treaty of Versailles is true? a.Senator Henry Cabot Lodge was the strongest supporter of the treaty in Congress. b.Opposition to the treaty came from a wide range of Americans. c.Irish-Americans celebrated the treaty’s designation of independence for Ireland. d.The Democratic Party provided the strongest opposition against the treaty. 36.The only nation not to approve the Versailles Treaty was a.the United States. b.Germany. c.France. d.Great Britain. 37.One effect of three large labor strikes in 1919 was a.the alliance of the AFL with the CIO. b.the government requiring collective bargaining. c.labor’s recognition that they could easily win strikes. d.a public backlash against unions. 38.The Red Scare was caused by all of the following factors EXCEPT a.Lenin’s open threats of toppling the U.S. empire. b.racists promoting nativist policies against immigrants. c.antiunionists using the issue to break unions. d.sensationalist journalism. 39.Attorney General Palmer’s credibility was permanently harmed when a.he switched his loyalties to the Republican Party. b.he pardoned Eugene Debs. c.Congress passed laws that encouraged larger immigration from central Europe.


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