1) Why are triacylglycerols able to provide more energy than carbohydrates (gram for gram)? A) The triacylglycerols have an extremely high group transfer potential. B) The carbohydrates are already in a more oxidized state than the triacylglycerols. C) The carbohydrates contain fewer carbon-carbon bonds. D) The triacylglycerols are less soluble in water than the carbohydrates. 2) Which of the following is a true statement for fatty acid synthesis? A) It occurs in the mitochondria. B) The reducing power for synthesis is supplied by NAD+ and ubiquinone. C) Both A and B. D) None of the above. 3) Which of the following is not a stage of fatty acid synthesis? A) Condensation of precursors. B) Rearrangement. C) Reduction. D) Dehydration. 4) The elongation of fatty acids is a repetition of three reactions adding carbons from ________ after each cycle until completion. A) malonyl CoA B) malonyl ACP C) acetyl CoA D) acetyl ACP 5) Fatty acid synthesis is different in bacteria than in eukaryotic cells because ________. A) bacteria do not form malonyl CoA B) eukaryotes use acetyl CoA to form malonyl CoA C) bacteria do not form acetyl ACP D) bacteria do not form acetoacetyl CoA 6) Which of the following is the regulated step of fatty acid synthesis in eukaryotes? A) Carboxylation of acetyl CoA. B) Transportation of mitochondrial acetyl CoA into the cytosol. C) Assembly of the fatty acid chain. D) All of the above. 7) The first step in fatty acid synthesis is the formation of ________ from acetyl CoA and carbon dioxide. A) acetyl ACP B) acetoacetyl ACP C) malonyl CoA D) acetoacetyl CoA 8) Which of the following is true for carboxylation of acetyl CoA? A) In animals and yeast, it requires three separate protein subunits. B) It is a metabolically reversible reaction. C) In bacteria, it is catalyzed by a bifunctional enzyme. D) The regulatory enzyme is acetyl-CoA carboxylase. 9) The role of biotin in fatty acid biosynthesis is in A) elongation. B) malonyl CoA formation. C) initiation. D) ATP activation. 10) The reaction, Palmitoyl-ACP→Palmitate + HS-ACP proceeds via which of the following enzymes? A) Thioesterase. B) Ketoacyl-ACP synthase. C) Transacylase. D) None of the above. 1