111) The idea of buzz isn’t really new, but the magnifying effect that technology has on the spread of buzz is new. 112) Happy customers are more likely to tell their friends about their pleasant customer experiences than unhappy customers are to tell their friends about their unpleasant customer experiences. 113) Only small companies with limited promotional budgets have successfully used viral marketing. 114) Brand ambassadors are volunteers spreading a company’s brand message, while brand evangelists are paid employees using stealth marketing tactics to spread a company’s brand message. 115) Though the idea is catching on, only a few marketing firms currently use word-of-mouth marketing techniques. 116) Buzz works best when companies put paid consumers in charge of creating their own messages. 117) Each step in the hierarchy of effects is more difficult to achieve than the previous step. 118) The percentage-of-sales method of setting a communication budget wrongly treats sales as a cause of promotion rather than a result. 119) If the pull strategy is effective, consumers will then demand the product from channel members, who will in turn demand it from producers. 120) Companies rely on either a push strategy or a pull strategy, seldom using both throughout a product’s life cycle. 121) The process of developing the Nike logo “Just Do It” as a way to communicate the power and capability of people who wear Nike shoes is an example of encoding, as defined by the communication model. 122) In 2001, IBM had hundreds of “Peace Love Linux” logos painted on sidewalks to publicize the company’s adoption of the Linux operating system. This is an example of buzz marketing. 123) Tired Toes is a new line of foot care products. The company’s marketing team wants to help build buzz for the line by creating a brand community. The marketing team should use social networks to achieve this objective. 124) The objective-and-task method of setting a promotion budget is the most logical method because it forces management to articulate its assumptions about the relationship between dollars spent and promotion results. 125) Coca-Cola’s Minute Maid unit is introducing a new beverage called Minute Maid Premium Limeade; it is a refrigerated limeade. The primary promotional objective of marketing communications for the new product should be to create awareness.


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