1) Which of the following were not listed in the textbook as an avenue for engaging in social media research? A) cellular phones B) social networks C) blogs D) content communities E) social bookmarking 2) Which of the following is a unique aspect of qualitative research? A) large samples B) quantitative data analysis C) engagement of respondents in group discussion D) disengaging respondents so that they may make their own decisions E) ability to calculate the margin of error 3) Which type of research involves the use of structured questions where the response options have been predetermined and a large number of respondents are involved? A) qualitative research B) quantitative research C) pluralistic research D) focus group research E) Socratic research 4) Which type of research would likely be called “soft” research? A) qualitative research B) quantitative research C) pluralistic research D) survey research E) Socratic research 5) Which type of research would be most appropriate if the managers of the Tide brand at Procter & Gamble wanted some ideas as to different ways Tide could be improved? A) quantitative research B) qualitative research C) pluralistic research D) survey research E) idea-generation research 6) Which of the following is NOT a step in the social media research process? A) Tap social media for information B) Segment the conversations into meaningful categories and issues C) Join some of the conversations by asking well-thought-out questions D) Engage in the conversations by providing well-planted answers E) Analyze the participants answers 7) Which type of research may begin with exploratory research and then go on to conduct a full-scale, representative survey? A) qualitative research B) quantitative research C) focus group research D) qual-tative research E) pluralistic research 8) Frito-Lay brand managers want to know which of three proposed end-aisle displays work the best in terms of catching consumers’ attention. They set up prototypes of the three displays in three supermarkets and visit each to observe consumers head movements as they approach each display. Which observation technique best describes this situation? A) direct B) disguised C) mechanical D) indirect E) store observation 9) Which of the following observation techniques involves observing historical records, such as records of sales calls or warehouse movements? A) direct B) archival C) past records D) indirect E) mechanical 10) With which type of observation technique do researchers observe tangible evidence of some event, such as measuring the amount of graffiti on buildings to indicate the level of vandalism in an area? A) disguised B) archives C) structured D) physical traces E) undisguised


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