1) According to the authors, psychology is a method for a. gaining deeper insight into how and why people think and act a certain way. b. knowing how to turn people from maladaptive to adaptive actions, feelings, and thoughts. c. determining simple answers to complex questions. d. restating common- sense findings in a more convoluted manner. 2) A psychologist is often skeptical of claims suggesting a. that a person’s future behaviour is often difficult to predict accurately. b. a particular behaviour is the result of a single causal factor. c. people are influenced by others’ thoughts and behaviours. d. a person’s culture is a strong influence on his or her everyday thoughts and behaviours. 3) In 2005, then Harvard president Lawrence Summers suggested, to much controversy, that fewer women may achieve in scientific fields because of a lack of innate ability in science. Which is the best evaluation of this claim, from a psychological science perspective? a. This claim is probably correct. Psychological research suggests that behaviours are attributable mostly to our genes. b. This claim is probably incorrect. Psychological research suggests that behaviours are attributable mostly to our environments. c. This claim is probably correct. Evolutionary psychology research has proven that to aid in hunting and war, males developed superior spatial awareness over females. d. This claim is probably incorrect. Psychological research suggests that behaviours are attributable to a complex interaction between our genes and environments. 4) All types of psychology involve a. the use of scientific methods. b. treating people’s behavioural and emotional problems. c. interactions between patients and therapists. d. replicating what is already known via common sense. 5) If you were to do a presentation on “Psychology’s Great Debates” you would be most likely to make which of the following points? a. Research indicates that most people possess a remarkable insight into the underlying cause(s) of their behaviour. b. Psychologists consider the “mind” to be nothing more than brain and nervous system activity. c. Evidence suggests that free will is illusory to some extent. d. Different human behaviours result from levels of nature and nurture influences. 6) According to the authors, much of the knowledge from popular psychology sources a. is not able to be studied empirically. b. is consistent with the results of psychological research. c. is of no or very little interest to psychologists. d. is contradicted by what psychological research has demonstrated. 7) According to your authors, the discipline of psychology is best thought of as a. a field of self-help principles to eliminate mental problems. b. a science of human behaviour and mental processes. c. a mixture of anecdotes and personal intuition about human behaviour and mental processes. d. a process for encouraging people to reach their ultimate potential. 8) Your friend claims that psychology is a subjective art, and not an objective science. He says that psychology researchers will “see” whatever they want to see in their participants, just to prove a hypothesis. Based upon your textbook readings, you should explain to your friend that a. he is describing the confirmation bias, but psychologists use a double-blind design or meta-analysis to alleviate this concern. b. he is describing the availability heuristic, but psychologists use the case study design to alleviate this concern. c. he is describing the representativeness heuristic, but psychologists use a double-blind design to alleviate this concern. d. he is describing an illusory correlation, but psychologists use a correlational design to alleviate this concern. 9) In science, a scientific theory is defined as a(n) a. educated opinion about the natural world. b. testable prediction about the natural world. c. personal understanding of natural laws. d. explanatory device for scientific findings. 10) If a researcher’s initial findings that a particular relationship or effect exists are not reliably demonstrated by other independent researchers, how are these initial findings thought of in the discipline of psychology? a. As a hoax or scam b. As a real phenomenon that exists for some gifted people but not for everyone c. As a deliberate, unethical attempt to falsify one’s data d. As an error or fluke in research


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