71) Dissociative amnesia and fugue are usually ________. A) transient and disappear slowly over time B) chronic and rarely disappear without professional treatment C) recurrent and persistent D) transient and disappear abruptly 72) Episodes of depersonalization can be ________. A) transient and disappear slowly over time B) recurrent but not usually persistent C) recurrent and persistent D) transient and disappear abruptly 73) Episodes of depersonalization are most likely to occur ________. A) totally at random B) when people are involved in work requiring intense concentration C) when people are undergoing periods of mild anxiety or depression D) when people are relaxed and have “let their guard down” 74) Psychoanalysis helps people deal with dissociative identity disorder by ________. A) helping people learn more effective coping behaviours for current problems caused by the disorder B) helping people find their “true selves” and actualize their hidden potential C) teaching people to change maladaptive thoughts and irrational beliefs D) helping people learn to uncover and cope with early childhood trauma 75) The Coon (1986) study found that ________ patients with multiple personalities were completely reintegrated using psychodynamic treatment methods. A) 5 of 20 B) 10 of 20 C) 15 of 20 D) 10 of 20 76) ________ have been developed to help people with multiple personalities integrate their alter personalities. A) No drugs B) Several antidepressant drugs C) Several minor tranquilizers D) Several major tranquilizers 77) Reports on the effectiveness of psychoanalytic therapy in treating dissociative disorders rely mostly on ________ studies. A) case B) correlational C) dissociative fugue D) experimental 78) Preliminary evidence suggests that __________ therapy and some types of medication may be helpful in treating depersonalization disorder. A) cognitive-behavioural B) psychodynamic C) classical D) humanistic 79) Recovered memories of sexual abuse in childhood often occur following ________. A) exposure to a situational cue that causes the repressed memories to flood back into conscious awareness B) suggestive probing by a therapist or hypnotist C) periods of extreme stress in the victim’s adult life D) the death of the abusive parent 80) Which of the following statements is NOT true? A) Under some circumstances, people who are given plausible but false information about their childhoods may come to believe the information is true. B) Total amnesia concerning childhood trauma, such as sexual abuse, is rare. C) It is possible for adults to recover memories of childhood abuse. D) New research tools have made it possible to distinguish real memories from false ones.


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