11. Which of the following statements is NOT correct? A. Rectovaginal examination is done with a speculum. B. Pelvic exam in dorsal lithotomy position allows visualization of the fornices. C. Normal adnexa can rarely be felt. D. Distribution of hair across the pubes and vulva refers to escutcheon. 12. Which of the following statements about normal labor is NOT correct? A. The first stage of labor is from onset to full cervical dilatation. B. The third stage of labor is from delivery of the fetus to delivery of the placenta. C. Labor progress referred to as 4 cm dilated, 50% effaced, -2 station means the cervix is less than half dilated, about half flattened out, and the fetus’s head is 2 cm above the mother’s ischial spines. D. All of these are correct. 13. A placenta implanted over the cervical os, which can result in maternal hemorrhage if labor begins, is called __________. A. abruption placenta B. placenta previa C. toxemia of pregnancy D. polyhydramnios 14. Which of the following is an ABNORMAL finding during pregnancy? A. Chadwick sign B. Hegar sign C. Adnexal mass and no intrauterine gestational sac D. funic souffle 15. Which of the following is NOT a cause of female subfertility? A. Oligozoospermia B. Persistent anovulation due to polycystic ovary syndrome C. Endometriosis causing fallopian tube stenosis D. Anorexia nervosa 16. Which of the following conditions would cause sterility? A. Absence of ovaries or other anatomic structures needed to allow sex cells to unite B. Drug or alcohol abuse C. Physical or emotional stress D. All of these can cause sterility 17. Which of the following sexually transmitted diseases cannot be cured with a course of antibiotics? A. gonococcal urethritis B. syphilis C. HPV D. Chlamydia trachomatis 18. Which of the following is the name for placement of a ring of suture tape around the cervix to avoid premature delivery? A. Falope ring B. Tubal ligation C. Pomeroy technique D. Cerclage 19. Which of the following is the name for an endoscopic inspection of the pouch of Douglas between the uterus and the rectum? A. Colposcopy B. Culdoscopy C. Episiotomy D. Sacrocolpopexy 20. Removal of tissue from the uterine lining with a suction tube device for histologic examination is called __________. A. endometrial ablation B. endometrial biopsy C. loop electrosurgical excision procedure D. conization of the cervix 21. A simple test that can help detect the occurrence of ovulation is __________. A. Spinnbarkeit B. hCG C. Coombs D. All of these tests can detect ovulation. 22. Which of the following is the name for a test that can detect changes due to infection from herpes simplex or varicella? A. STS B. Tzanck smear C. triple screen D. FTA 23. Which of the following is the main female hormone secreted by the ovary, the blood level of which can indicate ovarian function? A. luteinizing hormone B. follicle-stimulating hormone C. alpha fetoprotein D. estradiol 24. Which of the following drugs suppresses the menstrual cycle to help cause atrophy of endometrial implants? A. clomiphene B. urofollitropin C. danazol D. Femara 25. Which of the following drugs might be given to help stop preterm labor? A. ritodrine B. carboprost C. ergonovine