11) On an RBS for a software development project, development risks are related to A) corporate and stakeholders. B) requirements and design. C) organization and work environment. D) project team and control. 12) Project risks can be classified as A) qualitative risks. B) quantity risks. C) low-volume risks. D) internal risks. 13) Which of the following is not an internal risk? A) material shortage B) technology C) equipment D) time 14) Common tools and techniques used for developing a list of project risks include A) cause-and-effect diagrams. B) checklists. C) mind mapping. D) all of the above. 15) Common tools and techniques used for developing a list of project risks include each of the following except A) network diagrams. B) nominal group technique. C) Delphi technique. D) brainstorming. 16) The overall risk or exposure of the project at a particular timeframe best defines A) investment cost. B) rate of exposure. C) total cost of ownership. D) risk landscape. 17) Steps involved for the nominal group technique for risk management include each of the following except A) using JAD sessions to capture user requirements. B) gathering the core team for a risk workshop. C) using a flip chart or whiteboard to collect information from the team. D) begin by asking each person to identify potential areas of risk. 18) The determination of the quantitative or qualitative value of the risks in a project best defines A) risk assessment. B) risk probability. C) risk investigation. D) risk feasibility. 19) Defining each risk by a set of standard parameters including likelihood or probability, severity or impact, detection process, and mitigation plans best defines A) quantitative risk management. B) qualitative risk management. C) risk probability. D) risk regression. 20) Which of the following helps to identify critical project parameters that affect project schedule the most, determine project success rate, and make decisions about viable project alternatives? A) document analysis B) Six Sigma C) quantitative risk analysis D) CMMI


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