141) The most common treatment for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is ________. A) psychodynamic B) behavioural C) surgical D) pharmacological 142) The drugs of choice in treating attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder are ________. A) stimulants B) opiates C) minor tranquilizers D) major tranquilizers 143) Stimulants used in treating attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder have been shown to do each of the following EXCEPT ________. A) increase academic achievement B) decrease disruptive behaviour C) decrease impulsivity D) improve attention 144) Although the precise mechanisms are not well understood, we know drugs used in the treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity heighten_______ and norepinephrine activity in the prefrontal cortex of the brain, the area that regulates attention and control of impulsive behaviour. A) dopamine B) serotonin C) GABA D) cannabinol 145) There is a lack of evidence in support of the use of Ritalin for longer than ___ weeks in the treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity. A) 4 B) 8 C) 12 D) 20 146) The use of stimulant medications has a(n) __________ effect in children with ADHD. A) limited B) tolerance C) disastrous D) paradoxical 147) Stimulant drugs used to manage symptoms of ADHD can cause __________. A) underactive thyroid B) low blood pressure C) heart disease D) seizures 148) Treatment of ADHD ideally includes all of the following EXCEPT _________. A) medication B) behavioural techniques C) cognitive-behavioural techniques D) segregated education 149) Each of the following can be a short-term side effect of using stimulant medications to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder EXCEPT ________. A) memory loss B) loss of appetite C) insomnia D) slowed growth 150) Geoff is nine years old. He cheats in school, steals from his neighbours and classmates, and destroys his classmates’ prized possessions when he cannot steal them. He is already using drugs and lies about his drug use and other antisocial activities. He has run away from home twice and he tried to burn down his family’s house the first time he was returned home after running away. He has even been caught trying to mutilate the family cat. He appears to feel no guilt or remorse over his behaviour. He is suffering from ________ disorder. A) antisocial personality B) oppositional defiant C) conduct D) attention-deficit/ hyperactivity