31) In filling out your prehospital care report (PCR), you want to document that your patient had a laceration to his right hand secondary to a fall. How would you abbreviate “secondary to?†A) 2° B) 2/ C) D) 2nd 32) Which is the most important reason for NOT trying to complete the PCR during the ride to the hospital? A) Your time is better spent performing ongoing assessments. B) You must communicate with the medical control physician. C) There is an increased chance of error. D) The ride is bumpy and the chart will be illegible. 33) Instead of using the words heart attack, the paramedic could use the abbreviation: A) AMI B) CP C) AHA D) HA 34) Which words are spelled incorrectly in the following narrative? Pt. is a 53 y/o male with pain to the upper thoracks and neck 2- to past history. Pt. has a history of a heart attack and takes KCl, HCTZ, and aspirin. 1. Thoracks 2. Heart attack 3. Aspirin 4. History A) 1 only B) 1 and 3 only C) 3 only D) None of the above 35) Which of the following is used to quickly record patient vital information in mass-casualty incidents? A) A piece of 2-inch tape on the patient’s forehead B) Prehospital care reports C) MCI narratives D) Triage tags 36) An accurate prehospital care report includes all of the following, EXCEPT: A) Proper acronyms B) Approved abbreviations C) Best-guessed times D) Proper spelling 37) All of the following are part of the standard patient documentation narrative, EXCEPT a(n): A) Assessment/management plan B) Subjective narrative C) Financial assessment D) Objective narrative 38) The narrative format that focuses on immediate management of a variety of patient problems is called: A) Body systems B) SOAP C) Patient management D) Objective-subjective 39) Writing false or malicious words intended to damage a person’s character is called: A) Character assassination B) Bad faith C) Slander D) Libel 40) The call incident approach for narrative writing emphasizes all of the following, EXCEPT: A) How the incident occurred B) Absolute chronological order C) Surrounding circumstances D) Mechanism of injury