1. What component of social cognition refers to the customs and conventions used in a social setting or group? a. social regulations b. social inference c. social relationships d. social realism 2. According to the text, when does ethnic awareness begin to develop? a. in infancy b. in early childhood c. during the elementary school years d. during adolescence 3. In 1948, about ___ percent of mothers of school-aged children worked outside the home; today about ___ percent of these mothers work. a. 13; 26 b. 26; 52 c. 26; 77 d. 52; 77 4. The major difference between the terms self-concept and self-esteem is that self-esteem includes which of the following? a. a sense of who you are b. a sense of how good (or bad) you are c. a sense of where you came from d. a sense of what you can do 5. Which of the following most accurately expresses the relative emphasis given to moral attitudes versus moral behavior in Lawrence Kohlberg’s theory of moral development? a. Kohlberg’s theory focuses on explaining moral attitudes, but not moral behavior. b. Kohlberg’s theory focuses on explaining moral behavior, but not moral attitudes. c. Kohlberg’s theory focuses on explaining both moral attitudes and moral behavior. d. Kohlberg’s theory focuses on explaining theoretical ethics, not moral attitudes or behavior. 6. Selman’s view of how friendships develop in middle childhood would be most consistent with which of the following theoretical perspectives? a. the psychoanalytic perspective b. the behavioral perspective c. the social-behavioral perspective d. the cognitive perspective 7. Children who are able to overcome difficult environments and lead socially competent lives are described by psychologists with which of the following terms? a. self-regulation b. coregulation c. resilient d. self-monitoring 8. Melanie is always commenting on how she is not as smart as other people and how she is not good at anything in particular. Melanie likely suffers from which of the following? a. moral realism b. low self-esteem c. moral relativism d. high self-concept 9 Lorraine says, “I don’t like those people because they are different from me and my friends.” Using psychological terminology, Lorraine’s comment has identified the people she doesn’t like as: a. an in-group b. an out-group c. a side-group d. a dumped group 10. When Jeremy learns to direct his own behavior, rather than behave in strict accordance with the directions of his parents and teachers, psychologists would say he has developed: a. coregulation b. peer status c. self-regulated behavior d. self-monitoring


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