21) Which of the following theorists would label hallucinations and delusions as “secondary†symptoms of schizophrenia? A) Kraepelin B) Kaplan C) Schneider D) Bleuler 22) Which of the following theorists would label hallucinations and delusions as “first-rank†symptoms of schizophrenia? A) Kraepelin B) Kaplan C) Schneider D) Bleuler 23) Which of the following theorists would label disturbances in mood and confused thinking as “second-rank†symptoms of schizophrenia? A) Kraepelin B) Kaplan C) Schneider D) Bleuler 24) According to Schneider, hallucinations and delusions are ________ symptoms of schizophrenia. A) primary B) secondary C) first-rank D) second-rank 25) According to Schneider, disturbances in mood and confused thinking are ________ symptoms of schizophrenia. A) primary B) secondary C) first-rank D) second-rank 26) According to Schneider, first-rank symptoms of schizophrenia represent ________. A) symptoms that are central to the diagnosis of schizophrenia and cannot be found in other disorders B) the symptoms that create the most severe problems for the sufferer C) symptoms that accompany the disorder but do not define it D) symptoms seen in the early stages of schizophrenia 27) According to Schneider, second-rank symptoms of schizophrenia represent ________. A) symptoms that are central to the diagnosis of schizophrenia and cannot be found in other disorders B) background symptoms that create only minor difficulties for the sufferer C) symptoms that accompany the disorder but do not define it D) symptoms that accompany schizophrenia and other psychotic and some nonpsychotic disorders 28) The DSM-IV requirements for a diagnosis of schizophrenia include the requirement that signs of the disorder must be present for at least ________ months. A) 3 B) 6 C) 9 D) 12 29) Schneider believed that Bleuler’s criteria are __________ for diagnostic purposes. A) too limiting B) exclusionary C) too vague D) outdated 30) The DSM-IV code for schizophrenia includes a diagnostic category that involves schizophrenic-like thinking without overt psychotic behaviour. This category is __________. A) mania B) schizoid personality disorder C) borderline personality disorder D) schizotypal personality disorder