11)Which of these expressions is illegal in Java? a)x++ 5 b)x =+ 5 c)x += 5 d)x == 5 12)Suppose s is of type String. What would it mean if s.lastIndexOf(s.charAt(0)) returns the value 1? a)The first character appears once in the string. b)The first two characters in the string are identical. c)The length of the string is 2. d)The second character of the string is ‘0’. 13)If s1 is of type String, what does s1.compareTo(s1) return? a)zero b)true c)false d)Cannot be determined without knowing the value of s1. 14)How many constructors can a class have? a)Exactly one b)At least one but no more than three c)Exactly the same as the number of data members d)There is no restriction on the number of constructors 15)Suppose a try block needs to be followed by two catch blocks, each catching a different exception. Which exception should be caught first? a)The exception that is more likely to occur b)The exception that is more general c)The exception that is more specific d)It does not matter in what order exceptions are caught 16)A comment in Java that begins with /** and ends with */ is what kind of comment? a)block comment b)javadoc comment c)line comment d)nested comment 17)In Java, how do we tell the compiler that the body of a loop consists of several statements, rather than one? a)We enter all the statements on the same line b)We indent all the statements at the same level of indentation c)We enclose the statements in curly braces d)We insert a break statement at the end of the loop 18)What feature of Java transforms class objects into a sequence of bytes that may be used by another program? a)compilation b)inheritance c)serialization d)tokenization 19)When using the method System.out.printf( ), what is the purpose of the %d format code? a)For printing a double b)For printing a float c)For printing a String d)For printing an int 20)What does it mean for the return type of a method to be void? a)The method will never return a value. b)The method will return the value zero. c)The method does not take parameters. d)The method does not have a body.


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