21.The WISC-IV is designed for use in which age group? a.2 years 6 months – 7 years 3 months b.7 years 3 months – 16 years c.6 years – 16 years d.6 years – 18 years 22.A mother presents at a psychologist’s office and desires to have her very gifted child tested. You suspect that the 6-year-old may have an IQ over 4 standard deviations above the mean. Which intelligence test would best allow you to assess the child’s ability? a.Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, 5th edition b.Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, 4th edition c.Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, 3rd edition d.Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Cognitive Abilities 23.Which of the following WISC-IV Indexes is a composite of the Digit Span and Letter- Number Sequencing subtests and measures abilities such as attention, concentration, and mental control? a.Perceptual Reasoning Index b.Processing Speed Index c.Verbal Reasoning Index d.Working Memory Index 24.According to adoption studies, what is the maximum gain in IQ points due to environmental interventions? a.None b.5-10 points c.10-12 points d.20-30 points 25.What would be indicated by an examinee receiving an “A” profile on the Cognitive Abilities Test? a.The examinee has no relative strengths or weaknesses b.The examinee has a relative strength or a relative weakness on one subtest c.The examinee has both a relative strength and a relative weakness d.The examinee has a severe weakness 26.Surveys have shown that the most popular individual IQ test currently being used in clinical and school settings is: a.Cognitive Abilities Tests b.Stanford-Binet Scales c.Tests of Cognitive Skills d.One of the Wechsler Scales 27.Narrow abilities are reflected on which stratum of the CHC theory three-stratum model? a.Stratum I b.Stratum II c.Stratum III 28.CHC theory incorporates _____ broad ability domains. a.5 b.7 c.9 d.11 29.Deductive and inductive logic are considered the hallmarks of which broad ability domain under CHC theory? a.Comprehension-knowledge b.Fluid reasoning c.Processing ability d.Static reasoning 30.The broad ability domain defined as the ability to automatically and fluently perform easy mental tasks especially when high mental efficiency is required over a long period of time is: a.Cognitive processing speed b.Comprehension-knowledge c.Fluid reasoning d.Fluid processing speed


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