141) Research conducted with blind adults has indicated that ___________ sensitivity is heightened in this population. a. auditory b. kinesthetic c. tactile d. olfactory 142) Most individuals who are colour-blind are ____________ because only one set of cones is not functioning properly. a. synesthetes b. blindsighted c. dichromats d. agnostic 143) Craig has a serious disorder that disrupts his perception of movement. He has difficulty with everyday tasks, such as pouring himself a glass of juice, because he doesn’t notice changes in the level of liquid in the glass (i.e., one moment it is empty and the next it is full). Craig likely suffers from a. motion parallax. b. motion blindness. c. visual agnosia. d. blindsight. 144) The book The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat by Oliver Sacks is a case study of what visual phenomenon? a. Blindsight b. Visual agnosia c. Binocular disparity d. Motion blindness 145) Although Don is blind, he can still make correct guesses about the visual appearance of objects presented to him in an experiment. This example demonstrates the phenomenon of ____________. a. motion parallax b. motion blindness c. visual agnosia d. blindsight 146) Our sense of hearing is called a. olfaction. b. proprioception. c. audition. d. gustation. 147) Pauly is swimming under water and his friend Mike yells something at him. In general, should Pauly be able to hear what Mike said? a. No, because sound waves don’t travel through liquid. b. No, because vibrations cannot be transduced under water. c. Yes, because sound waves can travel through any gas, liquid, or solid. d. Yes, because molecules flow faster through water than any other medium. 148) Brightness refers to the intensity of light. The corresponding term when discussing sound is a. hue. b. timbre. c. pitch. d. loudness. 149) Sound waves are simply a. the vibration of the molecules of the air surrounding us. b. the impact of acoustrons in the air. c. a form of electronic radiation. d. none of these. 150) Which of the following is a characteristic of both light waves and sound waves? a. Hue b. Amplitude c. Pitch d. Wavelength


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