31) A Canadian study of female university students found that when they viewed pictures of models, they were significantly more __________ than women who viewed pictures that did not contain human figures. A) anxious and depressed B) depressed and angry C) anxious and angry D) angry and frustrated 32) A recent study found that the more time adolescent girls spend __________, the greater their chances of developing a negative body image and various eating disorders. A) watching reality shows B) on cellphones C) on Facebook D) playing video games 33) Each of the following is a medical complication related to bulimia EXCEPT ________. A) sudden death B) disturbed menstrual function C) damage to taste receptors D) increased sensitivity to vomit 34) Repeated vomiting or abuse of laxatives can lead to __________ deficiency, producing muscular weakness, cardiac irregularities, and even sudden death. A) fat B) protein C) vitamin C D) potassium 35) Probably the most important factors in the development of eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia are ________. A) genetic factors that predispose many women to these disorders B) societal pressures and expectancies placed on young women to be thin C) personal efforts to overcome real problems with eating too much and getting fat D) improperly learned eating behaviours during infancy and early childhood 36) Eating disorders are least prevalent in ________. A) the United States B) Canada C) England D) non-Western cultures 37) Male bodybuilders exhibit many eating-related characteristics of men with _______. A) anxiety disorder B) obesity C) anorexia D) bulimia nervosa 38) Some bulimic women become so concerned about possible weight gain that they resort to vomiting after _____ meal. A) every B) every second C) every third D) every fourth 39) The available evidence shows ________. A) that poor women are most likely to develop eating disorders B) that middle-class women are most likely to develop eating disorders C) that upper-class women are most likely to develop eating disorders D) no strong linkage between socioeconomic status and eating disorders 40) Men have been found to participate in __________ to achieve the media-endorsed image of the ideal body shape. A) dieting B) exercise C) weight training D) vegetarianism