11. Which of the following is/are rational approaches to validation? Content validity Predictive validity Synthetic validity A and B A and C 12. Which of the following is not a step in the predictive validation of a new test? Perform job analysis Identify new predictor Identify reliable criterion Hire using scores received in the new test All of the above steps are a part of predictive validation 13. When present employees are used to validate an employment test, which validity is assessed? Construct Concurrent Content Face None of the above 14. The __ validity of an exam in human resource management is established by showing that the exam includes representative samples of all major topics covered in the course. construct concurrent synthetic content none of the above 15. The congruence between the psychological requirements of a job and the psychological requirements imposed by the predictor when it is measured is referred to as what? Moderator variable Suppressor variable Psychological deviance Psychological fidelity Validity generalization 16. Of the following, which focuses on evidence that shows that validity information collected on a predictor in a series of studies can be applied to a new setting? Validity generalization Moderator analysis Psychological fidelity Suppressor variable None of the above 17. The number of predictors to be used in a setting depends on: the nature of the job the validity of the predictors the cost of collecting predictor information B and C all of the above 18. If two predictors are highly correlated, in the normal course, how many should be used in a specific selection situation? Both Only one Only the one with the lower validity Only the one with lower reliability None of the above 19. What type of validity refers to the possibility that a predictor may validly measure a particular criterion for some people in some situations but have different validity for another group of people? Divergent Differential Convergent Face Predictive 20. Which type of variable correlates nearly zero with a criterion but is still useful when employed with a predictor with which it is highly correlated? Moderator Random Suppressor Criterion