31. In comparison to hormones typically found in men, which of the following are hormones that are found in greater quantities in women? a. estrogen and progesterone b. estrogen and testosterone c. testosterone and progesterone d. androgen and progesterone 32. As compared to females, males’ bodies typically produce more: a. estrogen b. progesterone c. secondary trophic hormones d. androgenic hormones 33. Each hormone influences a certain set of targets. For example, estrogen causes: a. the uterus and the breasts to grow b. the penis to grow c. the shoulders to broaden d. hair to grow in the genital area and on the face 34. The primary function of the sex glands is to: a. control sexual excitement in both males and females b. produce sperm or eggs and to secrete androgens or estrogens c. control the development of sexual characteristics in both males and females d. secrete a fluid that changes the chemical balance in the uterus during intercourse 35. Which of the following terms describes the onset of menstrual cycles in females? a. ovariogenesis b. ovulation c. female rite of passage d. menarche 36. Which of the following is typically the first indication that girls have entered puberty? a. the peak of the growth spurt b. the development of breast buds c. ovulation d. menarche 37. Which of the following terms is used to refer to the time of onset of the first menstrual period? a. classical menorrhea b. menarche c. amenorrhea d. secular menorrhea 38. In males, which of the following is typically the first sign that a boy has entered puberty? a. voice change b. appearance of pubic hair c. growth in the size of the testes and scrotum d. growth in the size of the penis 39. According to the text, the first indication of puberty for males is which of the following? a. growth of pubic hair b. accelerating growth in the testes and scrotum c. accelerating growth of the penis d. production of semen with viable sperm 40. The historical trend toward earlier sexual maturation of adolescents is referred to as: a. monarchical regression b. pubertal regression c. the secular trend d. classical menarche


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