1) After ice sheets and glaciers, ________ contain(s) the next highest percentage of Earth’s freshwater. A) the atmosphere B) lakes and rivers C) groundwater D) rocks and minerals 2) Which common, rock-forming mineral or mineral group is most readily dissolved by groundwater? A) calcite B) quartz C) feldspars D) clay minerals 3) Which of the following is not a general characteristic of groundwater? A) constant temperature year round B) rarely contains dissolved constituents C) rarely contains suspended sediment D) supply is independent of short droughts 4) A stream is said to be perennial and effluent when ________. A) the channel bottom is above the local water table year round B) the local water table is above the channel bottom year round 5) The water table is ________. A) a boundary between unsaturated bedrock and an underground river B) a boundary between unsaturated bedrock below and saturated bedrock above C) an underground mass of partly saturated rock D) a boundary between saturated rock below and unsaturated rock above 6) ________ controls the ease (or difficulty) of groundwater transmission through a porous material. A) Potability B) Portability C) Permeosity D) Permeability 7) ________ are characteristics found in all good aquifers. A) High porosity and high permeability B) Low permeability and high potability C) High potability and high portability D) Low porosity and low permeability 8) A perched water table develops when ________. A) a horizontal aquitard above the regional water table lies below an aquifer B) an aquifer above the regional water table is overlain by a horizontal aquitard C) an aquifer below the regional water table is underlain by a horizontal aquitard D) an aquitard below the regional water table lies above a horizontal aquifer 9) An artesian well is one in which ________. A) the water is warm, fairly saline, and recharged by an affluent stream B) pressurized groundwater rises from a deep, unsaturated aquifer C) water rises above the top of the aquifer without any pumping D) the well is horizontal and the water table is perched 10) Which one of the following statements is true for an artesian aquifer? A) The water table in the recharge area is at a higher elevation than the top of the aquifer in the subsurface. B) Upward flow from a permeable aquitard is prevented by a confining aquifer. C) The pressure at any point in the aquifer is considerably less than the weight of the water column between the point and the top of the aquifer. D) In deep, stream-cut valleys, many springs are fed from artesian aquifers. 1