11) Which of the following is NOT true of gender identity disorder? A) It is relatively uncommon. B) It is more commonly diagnosed among girls than among boys. C) It can come to an abrupt end or abate markedly by adolescence. D) It may progress to transsexualism or develop into a gay sexual orientation. 12) According to the DSM-IV, each of the following is a clinical feature of gender identity disorder EXCEPT ________. A) there is no “intersex condition,” such as ambiguous sexual anatomy that might give rise to desires to be a member of the opposite sex B) a person must have reached the age of 18 to be diagnosed with this disorder C) there is persistent discomfort with one’s anatomic gender or with the behaviours that typify the gender role of that gender D) discomfort with one’s gender causes serious distress or impairs key areas of one’s occupational, social, or other functioning 13) Which of the following persons is MOST likely to undergo gender-reassignment surgery? A) a transsexual B) a gay male or lesbian C) a transvestite D) a bisexual 14) Which of the following is NOT true of transsexuals who have undergone gender-reassignment surgery? A) They can conceive and bear children. B) They are capable of normal sexual activity. C) They are capable of achieving orgasms. D) Outcomes are generally more favourable in female-to-male cases. 15) Unfavourable outcome for treatment of GID was predicted by being a __________ transsexual who also had other significant psychological problems. A) homosexual male-to-female B) nonhomosexual male-to-female C) nonhomosexual female-to-male D) homosexual female-to-male 16) As defined by the DSM-IV, _______ is no longer considered a mental disorder. A) homosexuality B) paraphilia C) frotteurism D) fetishism 17) Psychodynamic theorists point to each of the following as being involved with the development of gender identity disorder EXCEPT ________. A) extremely close mother–son or father–daughter relationships B) absent fathers (with sons) or weak, ineffectual mothers (with daughters) C) gay male fathers (with sons) or lesbian mothers (with daughters) D) parents with empty relationships 18) Learning theories suggest each of the following as a potential cause of gender identity disorder EXCEPT ________. A) parents with empty relationships B) father absence, in the case of boys C) being raised and socialized by parents who wanted children of the other gender D) being raised by parents who strongly encouraged cross-gender dressing and patterns of play 19) Bastin is persistently distressed and confused about his sexual orientation and believes he may be bisexual. He could be diagnosed with __________. A) gender confusion B) orientation confusion C) sexual disorder not otherwise specified D) orientation confusion not otherwise specified 20) Knowing that people with gender identity disorder show cross-gender preferences in toys, games, and clothing very early in childhood gives evidence for __________ being a factor in gender identity disorder. A) early socialization B) biological predisposition C) early learning experiences D) child rearing


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