1. Which of the following BEST defines an adjustment disorder? A. A condition where a person acts as if he or she has a physical or mental illness when not really sick B. A persistent state of emotional or physical distress triggered by a major life event or situation C. A chronic anxiety disorder where patients have recurring, persisting ideas that are distracting or repugnant D. Recurrent disobedience and displays of anger, resentment, or hostility toward authority figures 2. Client-centered therapy is BEST described as: A. associating an undesirable pattern of behavior with unpleasant experiences or consequences. B. therapy administered to several people at once, with sharing of perceptions, experiences, and feelings. C. focusing on correction of undesirable behavior using conditioning, meditation, breathing retraining, etc. D. encouraging clients to discover the sources of distressing mental symptoms, and the means of resolving them with minimal direction from the therapist. 3. Which of the following BEST describes the condition of dysphoria? A. Chronic or recurrent depressed mood not severe enough to be called major depression. B. A mood that is abnormally labile, varying between excitement and depression. C. A general feeling of mental or emotional discomfort. D. Speech and behavior that is excessively dramatic. 4. An unfaithful husband suspecting his wife of infidelity is an example of: A. repression. B. projection. C. sublimation. D. compensation. 5. Which of the following psychiatric terms would refer to a person who bullies a victim repeatedly and says that the victim deserved this treatment? A. Rationalization B. Identification C. Repression D. Compensation 6. Which of the following is NOT a type of mental status orientation described in the phrase “oriented in all spheres� A. Situation B. Time C. Person D. Insight 7. During the mental status examination, an examiner who asks a patient to interpret a proverb such as “don’t cry over spilled milk†is assessing the patient’s: A. thought content. B. mood or affect. C. intellectual function. D. memory. 8. Asking a patient if he has any special abilities or powers is a test of whether the patient is experiencing: A. hallucinations or delusions. B. seizures. C. syncopal episodes. D. obsessive-compulsive disorder. 9. Questions like “how many cents in a quarter,†and “who is the President†are tests of: A. orientation. B. memory. C. affect. D. sensorium. 10. Asking a patient about family and marital harmony, sleep pattern, job stability and satisfaction are ways of assessing what? A. Addictive personalities B. Schizophrenia C. General emotional and mental health D. Flight of ideas