11)Protecting against threats to internal validity is A)a major aim of experimental design. B)of maximum concern in naturalistic research. C)achieved when sample size is equal in each group. D)the main purpose of differential design. 12)Protecting internal validity A)is a minor concern in experimentation. B)cannot be achieve with fewer than 100 participants. C)is the primary purpose of experimentation. D)is achieved whenever sample size is equal in all the groups. 13)A study designed with a pretest, a treatment, and a posttest A)has a built-in control group. B)compares a control group with an experimental group. C)cannot control several confounding variables. D)controls most sources of confounding. 14)In an experiment, it is essential that A)the group sizes are equal. B)the experimental and control groups are comparable at the start of the study. C)all participants are given a pretest. D)the groups are equal after the manipulation. 15)Confounding due to maturation is controlled by A)limiting participants to a one sex only. B)preventing attrition during the study. C)employing a posttest. D)having the experimental and control groups equivalent at the beginning of the study. 16)Most potential confounding is controlled by including A)demographic measures and unbiased assignment of participants to conditions. B)a control group and an equal number of participants in each condition. C)unbiased assignment of participants to conditions and a control group. D)two or more control groups. 17)In an experiment, the independent variable A)must be measured at least twice. B)is observed rather than manipulated. C)must vary across conditions. D)needs to be held constant across conditions. 18)In an experiment, there must be A)at least one level of the independent variable. B)at least two levels of the independent variable. C)at least two measures of the dependent variable. D)not more than two levels of the dependent variable. 19)Being able to eliminate many variables is a major advantage of A)naturalistic research.  B)case-study research.  C)both naturalistic and case-study research.  D)experimental research. 20)A critical control in experiments is A)careful participant selection. B)having a large number of participants. C)unbiased participant assignment to conditions. D)the use of electronic measuring instruments. 21)Which of the following is TRUE about the experimental design? A)In high constraint research, you cannot alter the plan once the research begins. B)In high constraint research, you are free to alter any part of the plan once the research begins. C)In high constraint research, you may alter only specific parts of the plan once the research begins. D)In high constriant research, a detailed plan for conducting the experiment is not necessary. 22)Experiments examine ________ relationships between independent and dependent variables.  A)directly observable B)causal C)correlationalÂ


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