11) Which of the following agencies established a standardized national approach to incident management for multiple-casualty incidents? A) OSHA B) NAEMT C) NFPA D) USDHS 12) For which of the following purposes was the Incident Command System designed? A) To control, direct, and coordinate resources B) To regulate the mutual-aid response C) To give the fire service control of incidents D) To make sure that small agencies are not in command of large incidents 13) Which piece of equipment can aid in the management of an MCI by making identification of key officers quicker and easier? A) Green lights on command vehicles B) Unit designations on the radio C) Reflective vests D) Reflective flags 14) Which of the following serves as a mnemonic for remembering the main functional areas of the Incident Management System? A) C-PLOP B) C-FLOP C) P-LOCF D) F-ERMS 15) What is the preferred method of assessing perfusion in the adult victim during triage? A) Radial pulse B) B/P C) Capillary refill D) Carotid pulse 16) Which of the following types of command would be best to implement in a multijurisdictional incident? A) Law enforcement B) Fire C) Diversified branch D) Unified 17) Which of the following is the first step in triaging patients at an MCI using the START system? A) Determining which patients can walk B) Assessing patients’ breathing C) Determining which patients can talk D) Assessing patients’ perfusion status 18) Which of the following serves as a guideline for determining the threshold for classifying a situation as a multiple-casualty incident? A) A motor vehicle collision involving more than two vehicles B) More than 10 patients C) Two or more units respond or there are two or more patients D) An incident commander classifies an incident as an MCI 19) What level of the incident management system is rarely implemented at small- and medium-scale incidents? A) Finance B) CISM C) PIO D) Safety officer 20) Which of the following is the only acceptable technique for airway management during triage? A) Manual airway opening B) Surgical cricothyrotomy C) Combitube D) O2 administration


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