11)Which of the following interpretations CANNOT be made in differential research? A)Conclude that there are differences between groups. B)Groups are differentiated on the classification variable. C)Draw causal inferences. D)Conclude that there is not sufficient evidence of differences between the groups. 12)The same general principles are used in interpreting the results of A)experimental and correlational research. B)correlational and differential research. C)differential and experimental research. D)case-study and differential research. 13)What is the reason for this statement: “In differential research, we are actually studying relationships between variables”? A)Correlation coefficients are calculated. B)The strength of the relationship between dependent variables is measured. C)Differential research involves only measuring variables and not manipulating them. D)Contingent relationships are carefully measured. 14)Independent variables in differential research are A)experimental independent variables. B)nonmanipulated independent variables. C)manipulated independent variables. D)randomly-assigned independent variables. 15)In differential research, neither the independent variable nor the dependent variable A)is known by the researcher. B)is a true variable. C)is directly manipulated by the researcher. D)show any group differences before the research is conducted. 16)Comparing the visual responses of a group of autistic children and a group of normal children is an example of A)naturalistic research. B)case-study research. C)differential research. D)experimental research. 17)In differential research, A)the differences between the groups existed prior to the study. B)the experiment creates different groups. C)the participants are randomly assigned to groups. D)participants are always observed unobtrusively. 18)The variable that is manipulated or assigned by the researcher is known as A)the dependent variable. B)the independent variable. C)the organismic variable. D)the assigned variable. 19)Since differential research involves measuring variables rather than manipulating them, differential research is conceptually similar to A)experimental research. B)laboratory measurement. C)biomedical research. D)correlational research. 20)Since differential research is conceptually similar to correlational research, A)interpretation of the results will be based on the same general principles. B)both types of studies will be published in the same journals. C)neither is an appropriate type of research for psychology. D)they can both be used to imply causality. Â


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