21. Which of the following would be considered good suggestions for parents to help their children to cope with effects of media coverage of a disaster?  a. Tell the children the truth, but stick to the facts. b. Point out specific factors that ensure the children’s safety, such as their distance from the disaster or the presence of police. c. Maintain a normal routine. d. All of these are good suggestions. 22. Which of the following is/are TRUE regarding death and dying?  a. Some people purposely avoid thinking about death. b. Others assume that when the time comes, decisions about when and how to die will be out of their hands. c. Increasingly, adults are learning about death so they can make choices about the end of life. d. All of these statements are true. 23. Adults are learning about death so they can make choices about the end of life. One’s choices regarding death are influenced by   a. one’s physical conditions. b. one’s spiritual beliefs. c. one’s options for care. d. all of these. 24. In the period of time called ___________if there is no major organ damage, a person can sometimes be resuscitated. a. somatic death b. brain death c. clinical death d. legal death 25. Charles experienced a heart attack and was “dead†for a few minutes until a paramedic resuscitated him. The type of death experienced by Charles would be described as a a. somatic death. b. brain death. c. clinical death. d. legal death. 26. When ten-year-old Abby was pulled from the pool, she was not breathing and did not have a discernable pulse. After the lifeguard performed CPR, she coughed and began to breathe. During these couple of minutes that Abby was not breathing, she had experienced a a. clinical death. b. brain death. c. somatic death. d. legal death. 27. If a person is not resuscitated within about ____ minutes, all of the cells in the body will die from a lack of oxygen. a. three b. six c. nine d. 12 28. When the heart and respiratory systems malfunction, which causes all the cells in the body to die from a lack of oxygen, a _______ death has occurred. a. somatic death b. brain death c. clinical death d. legal death 29. The paramedic was unable to resuscitate Mia after she was pulled from the pool because all the cells of her body had been deprived of oxygen for over fifteen minutes before she was found. Mia had this point has experienced a a. somatic death b. social death c. clinical death d. vegetative death 30. Legally, death has occurred when a. respiration and circulation have irreversibly stopped. b. there is brain death. c. either of these conditions exist. d. neither of these occur since other criteria are required to be considered legally dead in the U.S.