111. According to the text, it is customary in Jewish families to emphasize the connection between birth and death by: a. taking even very young children to funerals of friends and neighbors b. keeping pictures of grandparents in every child’s room c. naming children after a family member who has died d. remembering the names of dead relatives in meal-time prayers 112. According to the text, it is customary in Chinese cultures to emphasize the connection between birth and death by: a. keeping pictures of grandparents in every child’s room b. urging young couples to marry or have a child when an older relative dies c. naming children after recently deceased relatives d. taking even very young children to funerals of friends and relatives 113. According to terror management theory, we deal with uncertainly and tragedy in our lives by: a. becoming depressed b. establishing a positive self-concept c. going into a state of self-denial d. focusing on the quality of our interpersonal relationships with friends and family 114. According to research on terror management, if terrorists from a foreign country bombed the subways in New York City, killing innocent people, New Yorkers would be expected to cope by becoming _____ prejudiced against foreigners and spending ______ money on luxury goods: a. more; more b. more; less c. less; more d. less; less 115. According to research presented in the text, after the 9/11 terrorist attacks in 2001, the most typical responses by U. S. citizens were to ________ their support for President Bush and to spend ______ money on luxury goods. a. decrease; less b. decrease; more c. increase; less d. increase; more 116. Which of the following is NOT a reason cited in the text for why terminally ill children pose a special challenge to those providing end-of-life care? a. Children do not have the same cognitive abilities as adults and they sometimes understand their illness in different ways. b. Parents usually have adequate time to thoroughly research all treatment options and they sometimes interfere with physician’s orders. c. Children’s terminal diseases are often rare and little is known about the best course of treatment to use. d. Terminal illness of children seems especially unfair and family members often have a very hard time coming to terms with the fact their child is dying. 117. Which of the following is NOT a working principle for caring for terminally ill children advocated by the Institute of Medicine? a. to attend to and limit the pain the child experiences b. to expand funding for more home-based care options c. to expand funding for more hospital-based care options d. to provide effective, ongoing education for health-care professionals about the special circumstances and needs of children who are dying